Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Deb Bischoff will not seek re-election in 2014

Deb Bischoff, the Cariboo RD Director for Area D (Commodore Heights-Fox Mountain-Pine Valley-Wildwood and McLeese Lake) announced to the Wiliams Lake Tribune that she would not seek a 3rd term as Director in 2014.  More here

I first got to know Deb Bischoff in the fall of 2008 when I met with her over concerns with the local Arts/Culture Function as the Cariboo RD was seeking approval from taxpayers' for that Function.  At the time, she was seeking the Area D Directorship and I was seeking the Area F Directorship in 2008.  As my readers' well recall - she won her Area while I was defeated by then-Area F Director Duncan Barnett.  Just after the polls closed on the 2008 Civic Election - she called and asked how I did, I told her I was defeated.  It was then she asked me to serve on the Area D Advisory Planning Commission (APC) and I readily agreed

Again in 2011 - I ran for WL Council and lost in that race which saw 14 people seeking 6 seats and just like in 2008, she asked me to once again sit on her Area APC and once again, I said yes

In Feb of this year -- she asked me to become her Area Alternate Director to which I agreed (beside it was good experience for the day I hope to become an elected official).  As of this writing, I have had the privilege to attend 4 Cariboo RD Board meetings and I find the Board meetings fun to participate in (although we have serious moments too)

I personally thank Ms. Bischoff for being not only a friend but a mentor but giving me the opportunity for two terms on her Area APC and for giving me the opportunity to be her Alternate Director (for however long it lasts) and sincerely wish her the very best for the remainder of this term and for her future endeavours - whatever they may entail.  

-- SBF

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