Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Local Gov't Election Law Update - White Paper

Editor's Note - While I have no concerns with the local gov't election law reform "white paper", I am still disappointed that the Province acceded to the request from UBCM (Union of BC Municipalities) that defers elections in October rather than November until 2017.  There was no reason not to have a local gov't election next October.  This was already supported by UBCM.  Government should be acting on local government law reform, independent of any lobby group which includes UBCM

Courtesy of the BC Government:

British Columbians now have six weeks to review proposed significant changes to local elections legislation - including campaign finance rules - through a white paper released today by Minister of Community, Sport and Cultural Development Coralee Oakes.

The white paper provides an overview of the proposed Local Elections Campaign Financing Act (LECFA) describing each part of the act and a draft of the legislation proposed for introduction in spring 2014. Highlights include:
  • Disclosure and registration by third-party advertisers.
  • Sponsorship information requirements for all election advertising.
  • A campaign finance disclosure statements to be filed 90 days, rather than 120, following an election.
  • Banning anonymous contributions.
  • Enabling a key role for Elections BC in the compliance and enforcement of campaign finance rules in municipal elections.
Specific examples of the changes include:
  • All sponsorship contributions and value of third-party advertising must be disclosed and significant contributors providing $100 or more to an election must be identified.
  • Candidates and elector organizations election advertising must have sponsorship identification, authorization statement and contact details.
  • Candidates and elector organizations must record campaign period expenses.
  • Third-party advertising sponsors must register with Elections BC before sponsoring any election advertising.
Interested parties have until Oct. 23, 2013, to submit their comments. In November 2013, a separate stakeholder engagement process on expense limits begins that will inform further legislative changes slated for 2017 local elections. The white paper is available on the Ministry of Community, Sport and Cultural Development's website at: www.localgovelectionreform.gov.bc.ca

The proposed new LECFA incorporates the majority of the recommendations proposed by the joint provincial-UBCM Local Government Elections Task Force and it is the first time local election campaign rules will be in a separate, standalone act which, if passed, takes effect November 2014.

Changes to the campaign finance rules are the most extensive in nearly two decades and this Act will assist in providing clarity as well as establish Elections BC's new role in compliance and enforcement.

Community, Sport and Cultural Development Minister Coralee Oakes says:

"We want the transition to the new rules to be as smooth as possible for local elections participants and those considering running for local government, so they understand their campaign finance responsibilities and obligations - that's why we're releasing the White Paper now. Many of the changes elaborate on existing rules making them easier to understand, while others address gaps. Ultimately they're designed to enhance voter confidence in the system."

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