Friday, September 6, 2013

Local Gov't Mtgs - Wk of Sep 9-13

A number of local government meetings are occurring this upcoming week as follows:

Wells - Regular Council meeting on September 10th, 2013 at 7pm in Wells Council Chambers - 4243 Sanders Avenue

Quesnel - Regular Council meeting on September 9th, 2013 at 7pm in Quesnel Council Chambers - 2nd Floor, 410 Kinchant St.  Items on the Agenda include:

a) Amend 2013-17 5 Yr Financial Plan - expand Quesnel Airport apron and new Public Works building

b) Tractor Purchase
c) Quesnel Naturalists Funding Application

Full Agenda here

Williams Lake - Regular Council meeting on September 10th, 2013 at 6pm in WL Council Chambers - 450 Mart St.  Items on the Agenda include:

a) Award of Contract for new Audit Services
b) Reconsider 'Orange Shirt Day' decision of Aug 27th (requires 2/3's majority of WL Council to do it)
c) Rezoning Application - BIA Site (Oliver St/3rd Ave South)
d) 4 Committee of the Whole Recommendations
e) Reports from Mayor Cook and City Manager Garceau

Full Agenda here

*** A reminder that Williams Lake City Council will be hosting an Budget Session with the public starting at 6pm on Thurs Sept 12th in the Gibraltar Room.  All members of Council and Staff will be present to answer questions regarding the 2014 Budget Process... ***

100 Mile House - COW/Regular Council meeting on September 10th, 2013 at 6:30pm/7:00pm respectively.  View the Agenda here

Cariboo Regional District:

South Cariboo:

a) South Cariboo Rural Caucus - meeting on Sept 9th at 4pm in 100 Mile Council Chambers (385 Birch Avenue).  Items on the Agenda include Secwepemc Gathering 2013, renew Economic Development Contribution Agreement for South Cariboo Visitor Information Centre, renew Economic Development Contribution Agreement for the Martin Exeter Hall and Valley Room Complex and discussion of formation of a community forest east of 100 Mile House in the Forest Grove, Canim Lake area

Agenda here

b) South Cariboo Joint Committee - meeting on Sept 9th at 5pm in 100 Mile Council Chambers (385 Birch Ave).  Items on the Agenda include Rural BC Project, Steve Law and Gord Rattray of New Pathways to Gold to discuss prospect of a financial contribution to support the marketing and promotion of the Gold Rush Snowmobile Trail, Maggie Patterson-Dickey, Executive Director, Canadian Mental Health Association to discuss affordable housing, 100 Mile House Agriplex Society Report, MMBC Financial Incentives, South Cariboo Community Enhancement Foundation - Updated Proposed Contribution Agreement, Grants for Assistance Services Agreement and 100 Mile Wranglers

Agenda here

North Cariboo:

a) North Cariboo Rural Caucus - meeting on Sept 10th at 2pm, Cariboo RD North Cariboo office (#102-410 Kinchant St, Quesnel).  Items on the Agenda includes items on Economic Development and Recreation and raising the profile of the Cariboo RD.  A fair number of the items are coming forward at the request of Cariboo RD Area 'B' Director Heloise Dixon-Warren.  Full Agenda here

b) North Cariboo Joint Committee - meeting on Sept 10th at 7pm in Quesnel Council Chambers (2nd Flr, 410 Kinchant St).  Items on the Agenda include presentations from FARMED/QCEDC, report on Nov 9th NC Multicentre Referendum, Residential Recycling, Rec Fees/Charges and Bouchie Lk Community Hall Budget amendment.  Full Agenda here

Regional Board:

a) CCRHD Board - mtg on Sept 13th at 9:30am - Wildwood Fire Hall (4253 Wildwood Rd).

No notable items on note on this Agenda.  View full Agenda here

b) Cariboo RD Board - mtg on Sept 13th at 9:45am - Wildwood Fire Hall (4253 Wildwood Rd)

Items on the Agenda include:

a) Proposing Zoning Bylaw Amendments for Medicinal Marijuana purposes
b) MMBC Financial Incentives for Rural Transfer Stations
c) Letter of Support request from Soda Creek Band for upgrades at their Whispering Pines campsite
d) Two requests from Cariboo RD Area D Director Deb Bischoff re: funds for GeoThermal conference at McLeese Lk on Oct 5th and purchase of portable microphones and ensuring heat at 'Board on the Road' or off-site Board meetings

e) Report from Cariboo RD Area B Director Heloise Dixon-Warren re: Ag Advisory Committee.  Staff are recommending that this be referred to CRD Management for review to ensure budget/staff time are considered

Full Agenda is here

*** A reminder that the Cariboo RD Board will be hosting a 5-7pm Community BBQ at the Wildwood VFD Hall on Thursday, Sept 12th.  I hope all residents within Electoral Area D can find a few moments to stop in, have a burger and chat with CRD Directors ***

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