Wednesday, September 4, 2013

NC Multicentre Referendum in November (Updated)

UPDATE - Sept 4th at 10:09pm

The presentation at Tuesday's North Cariboo Multicentre meeting is now available.  View that here

Also, I have received the following message from Cariboo RD Area 'B' Director Heloise Dixon-Warren:

At last night’s North Cariboo Multi-Centre Update in City of Quesnel council chambers, there was standing room only. Excellent turn out and thank you to all residents who were able to attend. There were quite a few Area B residents in attendance. A few posed questions and /or provided comments.

A presentation was done which can be viewed online at This presentation provided an update as to where the proposed project is at. A referendum will be held on November 9, 2013 which residents of the North Cariboo Recreation & Parks service function will be able to vote in. The Referendum Question will ask for authorisation to extend the borrowing bylaw for 2 years.

It is very, very important that residents take the time to learn about the proposed North Cariboo Multi-Centre so that they are able to make both an informed decision and the best decision for themselves and their families. Many people have questions; this was apparent at last night’s meeting. There are options and I believe these options need to be discussed and explored. If you have a question and /or concern, I encourage you to bring it forward.

Open Houses will be held in various locations throughout the North Cariboo with one being proposed to be held in Bouchie Lake. Once the date is confirmed for this event I will be sure to keep residents informed. It is likely this will be held mid October.

You can contact Director Dixon-Warren via email here

Original Blog Post:

At last night's special meeting in Quesnel - it was announced that residents' within portions of Cariboo RD Electoral Areas A, B, C, and I & all residents in the City of Quesnel who pay for the North Cariboo Recreation/Parks Function will vote to extend the borrowing for two years of up to $15 million for a new Multi-Centre in Quesnel on November 9th.  This will allow time to locally fundraise for the Multi-Centre and to allow new opportunities for grant opportunities from Ottawa which are set to come out in 2015

Last time out in November of 2008 -- the referendum passed by a vote of 2,765 to 2,525 so it'll be interesting to see if the vote difference remains the same or increases (Yeas to Nays).  In the meantime, public information meetings will be held in the run-up to the Nov 9th vote.  Details I expect will be forthcoming in the days ahead

Read more here

1 comment:

  1. The meeting was well attended with standing room only in council chambers. Many pros and cons were put forward in the presentation and in the subsequent "questions", many of which were really statements.

    One element in this which doesn't ring true for me is the statement that the project can still be brought in for $30 million despite the passage of time from the plan being drawn up (2007 0r 2008) to the potential construction phase in 2016. Prices for construction and materials have not been static for 8 years.
