Monday, September 23, 2013

Northern Healthy Communities Grant available...

Courtesy of Cariboo RD Area 'B' Director Heloise Dixon-Warren:


Northern Health is pleased to launch a new season of IMAGINE Grant funding opportunities.  If you have a great idea for a health promotion or prevention project within Northern BC, we invite you to apply for funding now.

What are IMAGINE Grants?  Northern Health grants that would support health promotion and prevention and will aid in the health and wellness of Northerners – where they live, work, learn and play.

Types of IMAGINE Grants available are:  HEAL (Healthy Eating Active Living) (up to $2,000), HEAL for your HEART (up to $3,000), Injury Prevention (up to $2,000), Tobacco Free Communities (up to $1,000), RoadHealth (up to $5,000), HIV Prevention (up to $5,000) and Harm Reduction (up to $1,000).  For more information, please visit our webpage at IMAGINE Grants:

The grants fund projects that: 
·         Last – your project has a good chance of living on after the funding ends
·         Make a difference – your project will broadly impact community in a positive way
·         Reduce health inequities – your project will help support those who are disadvantaged or marginalized
·         Build relationships – your project will help people connect to each other and their community and share successes
·         Support collaboration & partnerships – your project will encourage diverse groups to work together toward a common goal
·         Improve health – your project will reduce the risks and impacts of chronic illnesses and injuries

Who is it for?  IMAGINE Grants are for all northern community partners, including groups, organizations, schools or districts, that have a great idea for a health promotion or prevention project.

Where & how do I apply?  Applying is easy!  Go to the webpage.

Northern BC will be the proud host of the 2015 Canada Winter Games (February 13 – March 1).  We encourage you to consider this once in a lifetime opportunity and develop projects that support the vision of the Canada Winter Games, creating health legacy linked with healthy and safe activity, recreation and sport. 

A developing resource, “Every Child and Coach a Winner” (ECCAW) is being designed for Northern schools and teachers, aimed at supporting school health plans and building healthier kids.  When you apply for an IMAGINE Grant, let us know if you would like more information on the ECCAW resource.

We will be reviewing all grant applications in the fall of 2013.  Awarding will be based on a variety of factors, including alignment with the Position Statements Addressing Risk Factors found in our webpage:

We look forward to another successful year of IMAGINE Grants and to receiving all of your Grant Applications for your great health promotion or prevention projects today!

If you have any questions or require more information, please contact us by phone or email or visit our webpage.

1-888-645-6555 or 250-645-6407 or


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