Friday, September 13, 2013

Rec Restrictions at Yanks Peak

Courtesy of the BC Government:

Users of off-road vehicles, including ATV riders, are reminded to obey recreational use restrictions currently in effect in the Yanks Peak and Eureka Peak sub-alpine areas east of Williams Lake.

These motorized vehicle restrictions and closures are in place to help protect ecologically sensitive sub-alpine areas that are easily damaged by uncontrolled motorized vehicle use.

* The Yanks Peak restriction (under Section 58 of the Forest and Range Practices Act) is in effect every year from June 1 to Oct. 15. It only allows motorized access via a single designated trail: the Yanks Peak Trail. Users are reminded that all motorized vehicles must remain on this trail at all times. In addition, the Yanks Peak Snowmobile Cabin and Roundtop Mountain are not accessible by motorized vehicles during this period. For further details, search for "Yanks Peak" at:

* The Eureka Peak closure (under the Wildlife Act) applies to the operation of any motor vehicle for any purpose above an elevation of 1,500 metres in this area. This is a year-round closure, but there is a partial exemption that allows snowmobile use on portions of Eureka Peak from Dec. 1 to March 31. For details and a map of the area, visit:

Riders are reminded to ride carefully and responsibly when using these recreational areas to ensure that they remain pristine for future generations of British Columbians. ATV users should not drive in environmentally sensitive areas, including wetlands, grasslands and alpine areas.

Anyone who damages an ecosystem on Crown land may be subject to a penalty of up to $100,000, one year in jail, or both.

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