Saturday, October 5, 2013

Area D Town Hall Meeting

Present - Cariboo RD Area D Director Deb Bishchoff, Cariboo RD Area D Alternate Director Steve Forseth, CRD Manager of Community Services D. Campbell & CRD Manager of Protective Services R. Bastien

Public: 12

Media: Welcome to Williams Lake

Town Hall session started at 1:04pm

Director Bischoff opened the Town Hall session by introducing herself, CRD Staff & her current Area D Alternate Director Steve Forseth and her former Alternate Directors John Andrews and Bill Carruthers

CRD Manager of Community Services D. Campbell went through the Powerpoint Presentation

A Public Question Period ensued.  Questions included:

a) Concerns about diesel fuel storage at 1561 Kitsul Rd - Director Bischoff to follow up Monday am
b) McLeese Lake Fire Department
c) Bylaw Enforcement/Building Inspection
d) Water/Sewer services at Commodore Heights

CRD Managers of Protective/Community Services left the meeting at 2:50pm

After a brief recess, Director Bischoff discussed the following:

a) Canada Post service reductions at McLeese Lake (CRD Board will forward letters of oppositions for service reductions at McLeese Lake/Forest Grove)

b) Withdrawal from Central Cariboo Cemetery service (Tyee Lake community interested in developing own cemetery but investigation continuing)

c) Withdrawal from Central Cariboo Victim Services (those in attendance agreed that they see little value in staying in this Function)

d) Set up special Area D account for services from Central Cariboo Arts/Culture Function (this led to discussion between Director Bischoff & CC Arts/Culture Society President Harry Jennings over value of Central Cariboo Arts/Culture Function Central Cariboo region-wide (Electoral Areas D, E, F and City of Williams Lake)

Town Hall meeting concluded at 3:05pm

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