Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Booze in Grocery Stores?

Yesterday, the BC Government floated the possibility of buying beer/spirits at your local grocery story like Save on Foods/Safeway as 80% of respondents have asked for in the recent liquor policy review

Read more on this story here

As my readers may be aware - this practice is common place in the US and the Liquor Control Board of Ontario is prepared to try this as a trial there while Nova Scotia already allows for this

From a local perspective - I think that this proposal would be a tremendous step backwards given the challenges we as a community host on alcohol abuse already and giving more opportunities to those who have the 'alcohol demon' is not helpful, given Williams Lake and District does not have a alcohol/drug rehab facility - something that this region has been trying to get for some time

While I get the opportunity that this (selling booze in grocery stores) can bring to businesses like Save on More/Safeway - we should ignore the negative social aspects that increased booze sales in grocery stores would bring to our community, given the social challenges we suffer with alcohol abuse within our community with the existing beer/wine stores we have here already...

-- SBF

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