Friday, October 4, 2013

Cariboo RD Board Mtg - Oct 4th

Courtesy of the Cariboo Regional District:

Fraser Basin Council Update
Dr. Charles Jago, Chair of the Fraser Basin Council (FBC), and Maureen LeBourdais, FBC Regional Manager appeared before the Board with an update on the activities of the Fraser Basin Council. Some of the key areas of focus for the FBC include salmon and watersheds, flood hazard mitigation, sustainability indicators and challenges, smart planning, climate change and regional programs. Further information about the Fraser Basin Council and their on-going projects is available online at

Medical Marihuana
Inspector Warren Brown of the Williams Lake Detachment of the RCMP appeared before the Board to speak about the legislated changes to medical marihuana regulations. Inspector Brown focused on the safety aspects of medical marihuana facilities and the safeguards that have been put into place by Health Canada. Further information about the new medical marihuana regulations is available online at

Renewal of Hixon Transfer Station Agreement
The Regional District endorsed the renewal of an agreement with the Regional District of Fraser Fort George (RDFFG), which has been in place since August, 2011.  The RDFFG requested the renewal with a 5 per cent increase to an annual amount of $12,808. These funds are necessary due to the increase in operating, transport, maintenance and tipping fee costs. The new agreement would be for a three-year period ending December 31, 2016.

Williams Lake Fringe Area OCP Adopted
The Cariboo Regional District’s (CRD) new Williams Lake Fringe Official Community Plan (OCP) was adopted during today’s Board of Directors meeting and is now in effect. The development of the Williams Lake Fringe Area OCP has been a collaborative process, including area residents, the City of Williams Lake, the Williams Lake Indian Band, provincial agencies and other key stakeholders as vital contributors. The full text of the OCP will be available online at

Community Works Funding Approved
The CRD Board of Directors approved two applications to the Community Works Fund totalling approximately $22,700. The Barlow Creek Recreation will be using up to $12,700 of Community Works Funding to install two energy efficient furnaces and perform a lighting upgrade at the Barlow Creek Community Hall.  During the meeting, the CRD Board also approved an application for up to $10,000 of Community Works funding for the Bouchie Lake Recreation Commission to perform a lighting upgrade at the Bouchie Lake Community Hall.

BC Youth Parliament
The British Columbia Youth Parliament’s 85th Parliament will be held in Victoria at the Provincial Legislative Chambers from December 27 to 31, 2013. This project is non-partisan and applicants should have a keen interest in learning about parliamentary proceedings as well as serving their community. The Youth Parliament is a province–wide organization for young people ages 16–21 and teaches citizenship skills through participation in the session and in community service activities throughout the year. The deadline for submissions is October 23, 2013. Further information about the program is available online at or by contacting the program registrar at 604-728-0446.

CRD Support for Municipalities
The Regional District will be providing letters of support for two municipalities within the Cariboo. One letter will be in support of the District of 100 Mile House for a grant application to the "Age Friendly Rural Community" funding program. The District will also be submitting a second application to establish an advisory committee and hire a part time coordinator to move forward as an Age Friendly Rural Community.

The CRD also endorsed a request from the City of Williams Lake to support its application under the Airports Capital Assistance Program (ACAP). The City of Williams Lake is seeking funding assistance for its capital project to rehabilitate the runway at the Williams Lake Regional Airport and requests a letter of support from the CRD in its efforts to secure funding for this project.

Next Meeting
CCRHD & CRD Board Meeting – Oct. 25

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