Thursday, October 3, 2013

Cariboo RD Committee of Whole Mtg - Oct 3rd

Present - Chair Al Richmond and Directors Armstrong, Dixon-Warren, Massier (entered meeting at 6:35pm), Bischoff, Kemp, Sorley, Wagner, Glassford, Mernett, Rattray, Sharpe, Cook and Campsall

Absent - Directors M. Sjostrom (Quesnel) and R. William (Area J)

Staff  - J. Bell - CAO, S. Reid - CFO, A. Johnston - Corporate Officer, K. Moores - Development Services Manager and S. Burich - Manager of Communications

Meeting called to order at 5:41pm
Meeting agenda adopted


1) Medicinal Marijuana

CAO/Development Services Manager reviewed this item with the Committee
Discussion ensued thereon

Moved - Director Armstrong;
Seconded - Director Glassford:

That the report of the Manager of Development Services be referred to tomorrow's Board meeting


2) CAO Evaluation

The Chair reviewed the item with the Committee
Discussion ensued

Committee Action - That a sub-Committee of Directors' Sorley, Wagner and Sharpe review the CAO Evaluation forms for Saanich and Boardroom Metrics and report back

3) Volunteer Recognition Program

Director Rattray from the Policy/Procedures Committee reviewed this item with the Committee
Discussion ensued

Moved - Director Sorley;
Seconded - Director Dixon-Warren:

That Staff bring forward an amendment to the Special Projects Fund Policy to allow use of the Special Projects Fund for Volunteer Recognition


4) Code of Conduct -- at request of Area F Director J. Sorley

a) Cell phone use

Entire Board discussion on use of cell phones at Board meetings
No motion made

Meeting recessed at 6:55pm
Meeting resumed at 7:00pm

b) Disrespectful conduct at CRD Board meetings

Director Sorley introduced this item
Entire Board discussion on this item

No motion made

Director Bischoff left the meeting at 7:35pm and Area D Alternate Director S. Forseth entered the meeting and assumed Director Bischoff's seat at the same time

The Committee recessed its' meeting at 7:35pm to hold an In-Camera meeting under Section 90(1)(g) [potential or actual litigation] of the Community Charter

The Committee adjourned at 8:33pm

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