Thursday, October 10, 2013

Cariboo RD Williams Lake Town Hall Mtg

Present (Cariboo RD):

Steve Forseth - Area D Alternate Director
Byron Kemp - Area E Director
Joan Sorley - Area F Director
Janis Bell - CAO
Scott Reid - CFO

Present (City of WL):

Kerry Cook - Mayor / City of WL CRD Director
Sue Zacharias - Councillor
Surinderpal Rathor - Councillor
Darrell Garceau - CAO (City Manager)

Public - 2
Media - G. Sabatino, Williams Lake Tribune

Meeting started at 7pm

Opening comments by Mayor Cook in her capacity as Williams Lake Director on the Cariboo RD Board

CAO J. Bell/CFO S. Reid ran through a Powerpoint Presentation

Questions asked:

a) Limit to Hospital Taxation Rate? CAO Bell: There is no limit other than what the CCRHD Board sets

b) Scope of Central Cariboo Recreation? Can Cariboo RD currently give support to groups like Scout Island.  Director Sorley replied that yes, this can occur now

c) Implication of Williams Lake leaving the Central Cariboo SAR Function - Question from Councillor SPS Rathor.  CAO J. Bell says discussions to occur before any steps are taken

d) Benefits of Invasive Plant Function for City of WL residents' - Question from Councillor Zacharias

e) What is happening on 'Indoor Turf Facility'.  Mayor Cook: No further action taken as Sam Ketchum Pool file is top priority however some grassroots work is underway to further progress on Indoor Turf Facility for Williams Lake

Session concluded at 8pm

1 comment:

  1. Why would Williams Lake leave the SAR function?
    We have a hard working group of volunteers doing it for free and that's not good enough? Are the planning to give this task to the WL fire dept?
