Thursday, October 24, 2013

CC Joint Committee Mtg - Oct 23rd


City of WL - Mayor Cook (Meeting Chair), Councillors Bonnell, Rathor, Walters and Zacharias

CRD - Directors D. Bischoff (Area D), B. Kemp (Area E) and J. Sorley (Area F)

Staff Present:

Darryl Garceau - CAO, City of Williams Lake
Rena Schill - Corp Services Records Coordinator, City of Williams Lake
Geoff Paynton - Director of Community Services, City of Williams Lake
Darron Campbell - Manager of Community Services, Cariboo RD
Janis Bell - CAO, Cariboo RD

Meeting called to order at 6:03pm

The Chair asked the Joint Committee to approve bringing forward items 6, 10 and 11 (2014 Central Cariboo Recreation Bus/Fin Plans, CC Joint Committee Terms of Reference & Area D withdrawal from CC Joint Committee and Functions) with remaining items as per the Agenda

Agenda approved as amended by following vote:

Affirmative - Mayor Cook, Councillors Bonnell, Rathor, Walters, Zacharias, Directors Sorley and Kemp

Negative - Director D. Bischoff

Delegations - None


1) 2014 Central Cariboo Recreation Business/Financial Plans

The Manager of Community Services presented this item to the Joint Committee
Discussion ensued thereon

Resolved -- That this item be deferred to a Special Joint Committee meeting in November together with the Pool Finance Committee's final report

2) Joint Committee Terms of Reference

CAO D. Garceau reviewed this item with the Joint Committee
Discussion ensued thereon

Resolved --  That the Central Cariboo/City of Williams Lake Joint Committee receive this report and direct Staff to report back to a future Joint Committee meeting with proposed revisions to the Committee’s Terms of Reference

Above motion approved by following vote:

Affirmative - Mayor Cook, Councillors Bonnell, Rathor, Walters, Zacharias and Directors Kemp and Sorley

Negative - Director D. Bischoff

3) Area D withdrawal from CC Joint Committee

Director Bischoff reviewed this item with the Joint Committee and requested no further action on this item be taken, given Director Sorley prematurely released the email at the Sept Joint Committee meeting without asking for consent

Discussion ensued including concerns raised about a Director's ability to pull from Functions/Joint Committee and asking if a Director can prevent their Alternate Director from attending.  CAO J. Bell advised that an Alternate Director may only attend a meeting at the request of their Area Director

Resolved -- That the item be received and referred to Staff for a report on the technical feasibility of a Electoral Area Director or their Alternate not sitting on Joint Committee and process to withdraw from Functions like Arts/Culture, Victim Services, and Cemetery

Meeting recessed for a 5 min break at 7:39pm
Meeting resumed at 7:44pm

4) Year End Report -- Canada Day/Performance in the Park

Discussion ensued

Resolved -- Reports be received

5) CC Arts/Culture Society 2013 3rd Quarter Report

Discussion ensued

Resolved - Report received

6) CC Arts/Culture Fee for Service Mgmt Cmte Recommendations

The Manager of Community Services reviewed this item with the Joint Committee
Discussion ensued thereon


a) That three-year Fee-for-Service agreements be provided to the following organizations with annual payments as follows:

Williams Lake Museum & Historical Society $29,000
Station House Studio and Gallery Society $12,000
Rotary Club of Williams Lake Daybreak (for Stampede Parade) $ 5,000
Williams Lake Harvest Fair $ 2,500
Downtown Williams Lake Business Improvement Association
(for Winter Lights and Stampede Street Party) $ 7,000
Horsefly Historical Society $ 2,000
Likely & District Chamber of Commerce (Cedar City Museum) $ 2,000

b) That the Williams Lake Indoor Rodeo Association not be awarded a Fee-for Service Agreement from the Central Cariboo Arts and Culture function, but that the Association be advised to apply for a project grant to support any arts and culture component of its programming that it decides to incorporate in any given year.

c) That a new Fee-for-Service agreement be created for the Canada Day celebrations in the amount of $1,500. This recommendation results from the difficulties experienced over the past two years since the former organizers of the event withdrew. The Committee felt that for this much valued annual event, the “ad hocery” of the past two years needed to be replaced by a longer term arrangement. The Committee would also suggest that, in view of their interest in last year’s event and its stimulating effect, the Downtown Williams Lake Business Improvement Association should be asked to consider incorporating it into their program along with the Stampede Street Party and the Winter Lights recommended above.

Approved by following vote:

Affirmative - Mayor Cook and Councillors Bonnell, Rathor, Walters, Zacharias and Directors Kemp and Sorley

Negative - Director D. Bischoff

7) Grant in Aide Capital Criteria Recommendation

Discussion ensued

Resolved -- That Section 8 of GIA Policy be changed to add the following:

“Grants will not be provided for operating funds, wages and items that are deemed to be consumable or have a functional lifespan of less than one year.”

Approved by following vote:

Affirmative - Mayor Cook and Councillors Bonnell, Rathor, Walters, Zacharias and Directors Kemp and Sorley

Negative - Director D. Bischoff

8) CC Arts/Culture Function 2014 Business/Financial Plans

Discussion ensued

Resolved -- That the 2014 CC Arts/Culture Function Business/Financial Plans be received/endorsed

Approved by following vote:

Affirmative - Mayor Cook and Councillors Bonnell, Rathor, Walters, Zacharias and Directors Kemp and Sorley

Negative - Director D. Bischoff

9) Mountain Bike Consortium - Permanent Funding

Discussion ensued

Resolved - That this matter be referred to special Joint Committee meeting in November for consideration

10) CC Joint Committee 2014 Mtg

Discussion ensued


That the following 2014 Central Cariboo/City of Williams Lake Joint Committee meeting schedule be

Wednesday, January 22, 2014 (CRD)
Wednesday, February 26, 2014 (CRD)
Wednesday, March 26, 2014 (CRD)
Wednesday, April 23, 2014 (CRD)
Wednesday, May 28, 2014 (CRD)
Wednesday, June 18, 2014 (City)
Wednesday, September 17, 2014 (City)
Wednesday, October 22, 2014 (City)
Wednesday, November 26, 2014 (City)

11) Review of City/CRD Memo of Understanding

CAO D. Garceau reviewed this item with the Joint Committee
Discussion ensued

Resolved - Received memo of CAO Garceau and refer to Staff for report on combining MOU and Terms of Reference for CC Joint Committee into one document

12) Pool Fin Cmte - Appt of Alt Rep from City of WL

Discussion ensued
Resolved - Report received

13) Action Page

Discussion ensued
Resolved - Action Page received and referred to Staff for review and report back to Joint Committee

Councillor Rathor requested Joint Committee to revert meeting time back to 5pm in light of Director Bischoff's health needs.  No further action taken on this item

The Committee adjourned at 8:53pm


  1. So basically Bischoff voted against everything then?? wonder her Area D people have had enough of her. November can't come soon enough in Area D.

  2. Thanks for your comment…

    Of course, I'm sure you know that the next election in Area D is not until November of 2014

    Meanwhile - as the Area D Alternate Director, I will be making an announcement with regards to my future political plans as it relates to Electoral Area D of the Cariboo Regional District in late Feb of 2014…

    Stay tuned…

