Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Cmte of Whole Mtg (WL Council) - Oct 15th/2013


Acting Mayor SPS Rathor and Councillors Bonnell (entered mtg at 6:11pm), Bourdon, Hughes, Walters and Zacharias


Mayor Kerry Cook

Staff - Darrell Garceau, CAO & Alan Madrigga, Manager of Economic Development
Junior Council - Monica

Meeting called to order at 6pm

Minutes of Sept 3rd Committee of Whole meeting approved
Agenda approved


1) Amendments to Local Government Act re: Local Government Election Reforms

The CAO reviewed this item with the Committee
Discussion ensued

Committee comments:

* Public input in addition to elected officials comments
* Making sure prospective candidates and current elected officials are aware of the new local election finance rules

* Hold pre-election meeting with prospective candidates?
* Submit one submission on behalf of WL Council?
* Individual candidates must do their own homework and not rely solely on City Staff

Committee Action - CAO to draft a COW Resolution to go forward to Council.  Approval by email

The Committee adjourned at 6:20pm and immediately went into an In-Camera meeting under Sections 92 and 90 (1 g, j and k) of the Community Charter (potential/actual litigation, information prohibited for public discussion under provincial FOI Act and negotiations)

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