Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Community Mtg at Wildwood Elementary

Last night - roughly 20 people showed up to discuss the issue of the use of dirt bikes and ATV's in Wildwood.

At the request of Cariboo RD Area D Director Deb Bischoff -- Insp. Warren Brown of the Williams Lake RCMP along with 2 other RCMP Officers came out to Wildwood Elementary and reviewed this topic from a police perspective which in turn led a 1 hour discussion about appropriate use of dirt bikes/ATV's and related road safety issues within the Wildwood community

One aspect of the meeting that I was uncomfortable with was the suggestion by one individual that Director Bischoff was using her political office to get back at those who may use their dirt bike inappropriately.  Knowing Deb Bischoff like I do, I know she would not act on her own but upon receiving written concerns... but as Director Bischoff told me last night, the community discussion has now taken place and it is up to the community to take the next steps...

Finally - Denise Thompson from the local Wildwood Community Association reminded those in attendance that the AGM of the Wildwood Community Association will take place on Monday, November 18th, 2013 at 7pm - Wildwood Elementary.

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