Friday, October 25, 2013

Eden Robinson visits' Williams Lake Branch Library

Courtesy of the Cariboo Regional District:

Award winning novelist and short story writer, Eden Robinson will be visiting the Cariboo Regional District’s Williams Lake Branch Library on Tuesday, Nov. 5 at 5 p.m. to discuss her works and writing process. Admission for this event is free.

Born in Kitamat, B.C., she is a member of the Haisla and Heiltsuk First Nations. Her three works of fiction includeTraplines (1995), Monkey Beach (2000), and Blood Sports (2006). Ms. Robinson has been nominated for both the Giller Prize for excellence in Canadian Fiction, and the Governor General’s Award.

Robinson's first book, Traplines, was a collection of four short stories while her second book, Monkey Beach, was a novel. It is set in the Kitamat area and follows a teenaged girl's search for answers and understanding of her younger brother's disappearance at sea. This retrospective tale tells a story about growing up on a Haisla Reserve. The book is both a mystery and a spiritual journey, combining contemporary realism with Haisla mysticism. Monkey Beach was short-listed for the Giller Prize and the Governor General's Literary Award, and received the Ethel Wilson Fiction Prize.

In her third book, Blood Sports (2006), Eden Robinson returns to the characters and urban terrain of her novella "Contact Sports," from Traplines.

Reviewers praise Robinson's unflinching and compelling exploration of the darkest impulses of humanity. Currently, Robinson is the writer in residence at the University of Northern BC.

The CRD’s Williams Lake Branch Library is located at 180 N. Third Avenue, Suite A in Williams Lake, B.C. For further information, please contact the library at 250-392-3630 or visit the library website at

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