Friday, October 18, 2013

Local Gov't Mtgs - Wk of Oct 21-25

A number of local governments are having meetings this upcoming week as follows:

Quesnel - Regular Council Meeting on Oct 21st at 7pm in Quesnel Council Chambers (2nd Floor, 410 Kinchant St).  On the Agenda:

a) Members of Council report out on the UBCM Convention in late September
b) 3rd Quarter Report - City of Quesnel
c) DVP #41-2013 (158 Davie St)
d) BIA's (3) renewal Process
e) South Hills Neighourhood Assoc. requests debris clean-up in South Quesnel (Frank's Supermarket & Dragon Lk Hill)

View the full Agenda here

School District #27 (Cariboo-Chilcotin) - Regular Board of Education meeting on Oct 22nd at 6:30pm in the SD#27 Boardroom (350 2nd Ave North, Williams Lake).  Items on the Agenda including:

a) Various Committee reports
b) Reconsideration of names for former Columneetza/WL Secondary Schools

View the full Agenda here

Williams Lake - Regular Council meeting on Oct 22nd at 6pm in WL Council Chambers (450 Mart St).  Items on the Agenda:

a) Junior Council members to be sworn in by City Manager (CAO) Darrell Garceau
b) Report from Councillor S. Zacharias re: 2013 UBCM Convention
c) Receipt of 3rd Quarter Economic Indicators Report
d) Consideration of DP #5-2013 (4029/4025 Frizzi Rd)
e) "High Collision Location" signs going up at Western Ave and Johnson St
f) Rezoning Application for 1st two readings - 327 Oliver St
g) Receipt of Mayor Cook's bi-weekly activity report

View the full Agenda here

100 Mile House - COW/Regular Meetings starting at 6:30pm on Oct 22nd in 100 Mile Council Chambers (385 Birch Ave).  View the full Agendas here

Cariboo Regional District:

Oct 21st -
South Cariboo Rural Caucus at 4pm in 100 Mile Council Chambers.  Items on the Agenda include Ron Ehmann to raise concerns with the Caucus re: wood burning boilers, 1st Ecomomic Forum at Interlakes and resume consideration of a community forest at Forest Grove/Canim Lake areas.

View the full Agenda here

Oct 21st - South Cariboo Joint Committee at 5:00pm in 100 Mile Council Chambers.  Items on the Agenda include an RCMP update, Interior Roads to give an update to the Committee and Canlan Ice Sports to give an update.  Consideration of Grant in Aide applications, 2014 South Cariboo Recreation Plans, curb-side garbage/recycling for 100/108 Mile, review of South Cariboo Landfill tipping fees, Fees/Charges Bylaw for refuse sites within Cariboo RD Areas G, H and L

View the full Agenda here

Oct 23rd - Central Cariboo Rural Caucus at 3:30pm in the Cariboo RD Committee Room in Williams Lake (180D North 3rd Avenue).  Items on the Agenda include update from Interior Roads, Grant in Aide applications, and an update from the CRD Manager of Enviro. Services in regards to the MOU between Williams Lake/CRD re: Landfill Use/Recycling Services

View the full Agenda here

Oct 23rd - Central Cariboo Joint Committee at 6pm in the Cariboo RD Boardroom (180D Third Ave North, Williams Lake).  Items on the Agenda include Final Report of 2013 Canada Day/Performances in the Park, 3rd Quarter Report of CCACS (local Arts/Culture Society), Arts/Culture Fee for Service Program Review, Grant in Aide 'Capital' criteria review, 2014 Central Cariboo Recreation/Arts & Culture Business and Financial Plans, consider future funding model for local Mountain Bike consortium, and review Joint Committee Terms of Reference & email from Area D Director Deb Bischoff re: withdraw Area D from the Joint Committee

View the full Agenda here

Oct 25th - CCRHD Board at 9:30am in the Cariboo RD Boardroom.  Items on the Agenda include hearing from MJ Cousins from the Central Interior Rural Division of Family Practice in regards to recruitment of physicians, Interior Health's Capital Strategy for 2013/14, a funding request from the South Cariboo Health Foundation

View the full Agenda here

Oct 25th - Cariboo RD Board at 9:45am in the Cariboo RD Boardroom.  Items on the Agenda include Jillian Merrick to talk about 'Beyond the Market' project, Gateway Water Supply Project (Area H) moves to public assent stage, FN Museum proposal at 108 Greenbelt, reconsider item from Area D Director Deb Bischoff for $1,000 for two Open Houses (One at Wildwood Elementary and the other to be determined) to discuss local community issues (please note - this item was rejected at the Board's Sept 13th meeting at Wildwood Fire Hall), and consideration/approval of recommendations from sub-region Rural Caucuses or Joint Committees.

View the full Agenda here

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