Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Oct 28th MOTI Mtg re: Toop Rd/Carson Dr/Highway 97 Road Upgrades

Williams Lake City Councillor SPS Rathor advised me over the Thanksgiving long weekend of a very important meeting coming up that Williams Lake residents' who reside on Johnson Street, Western Avenue and 9th/10th Avenues need to attend.  Details below:

Date - Monday, October 28th
Time - 7 to 9pm
Location - Gibraltar Room, Cariboo Memorial Complex (525 Proctor Street, Williams Lake)

The meeting will be moderated by City of Williams Lake CAO (City Manager) Darrell Garceau with City and MOTI (Min of Transportation and Infrastructure) Staff presenting updated information as it relates to the Highway 97, Toop Rd and Carson Drive road upgrades

If you reside in these areas of the City, I urge you to attend this meeting and provide your input so the road upgrades that MOTI contemplates doing are consistent with your views

Unfortunately, I have a meeting on the same night as this session but if my meeting breaks early, I hope to sit in on this meeting and see how it progresses and report back here

-- SBF

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