Tuesday, October 8, 2013

WL Council Highlights - Oct 8th mtg

Present - Mayor Cook & Councillors Bonnell, Bourdon, Hughes, Rathor, and Zacharias

Absent - Councillor L. Walters

Staff Present:

Darrell Garceau - City Manager
Cindy Bouchard - Manager of Legislative Services
Ken MacInnis - Communications Coordinator
Geoff Goodall - GM of Planning and Ops
Tom Chung - IT Manager

Meeting called to order at 6pm
Agenda adopted/Minutes of Sept 24th meeting of WL Council approved


1) Mayor Cook, on behalf of WL City Council, presented a Certificate of Achievement to John Halfnights - Water/Sewer Foreman

2) Alkali Lake Band Chief Fred Robbins appeared before Council to discuss the Commemoration Project and presented a video to Council on the Project.  Video to be placed on City's website later this week

Meeting recessed at 7pm for Public Hearing
Meeting resumed at 7:04pm


1) Council received for information the accounts payable computer cheque listings for the periods ending September 26 and October 3, 2013

2) Council received for information a Statement of Revenue and Expenditures report for the nine-month period ending September 30, 2013

3) Council ratified 2 Central Cariboo Joint Committee recommendations as follows:

a) That pursuant to Central Cariboo / City of Williams Lake Joint Committee Report #08-2013, the report of Patricia Higgins, Director of Financial Services, City of Williams Lake dated September 18, 2013 regarding the formation of a sub-committee for review of the joint 2014 Grant-in-Aid applications be received; and further, that Director Sorley be appointed to represent the Cariboo Regional District and Councillor Bonnell be appointed to represent the City of Williams Lake.

b) That pursuant to Central Cariboo / City of Williams Lake Joint Committee Report #08-2013, the sub-committee appointed to review and make recommendations on the applications for 2014 Grants-in-Aid be directed to also review the criteria for and definition of ‘capital items’ in the Grant-in-Aid Policy and report back to the October 23, 2013 Joint Committee meeting with recommended revisions to the Policy, including what is not considered a capital item, and also with recommendations for the 2014 Grants-in-Aid applications.

4) Council passed the following Resolution for ACAP (Airport Capital Assistance Program) Funding for a Runway Condition Reporting System at WL Regional Airport:

"That the letter from Transport Canada dated August 8, 2013 regarding approval of ACAP (Airport Capital Assistance Program) funding for the Williams Lake Regional Airport’s Heavy Airside Mobile Equipment (Runway Condition Reporting System) Project in the amount of $38,991 be received and Council for the City of Williams Lake agrees to enter into an agreement with Her Majesty the Queen in right of Canada and agrees to assume all project costs above the level approved by the Minister and further, the Mayor and Corporate Officer be authorized to sign the Agreement on behalf of the City of Williams Lake."

5) Council will consider at its' October 22nd meeting an Assignment of Airport Lease #CWL5500 from Larry Chambers to Hytest Lumber Ltd

6) Council awarded the supply and installation of two Stand-by Generators to Wynker Electric & Controls Ltd. for the tendered price of $248,000, excluding GST

7) Council received Development Permit #5-2013 from Sprucelee Construction / Mike King for Construction of Heavy Equipment Storage & Maintenance Facility at 4025 & 4029 Frizzi Road. The DP will be considered formally at the Oct 22nd meeting of WL City Council

8) After a public hearing - Council adopted Zoning Amendment Bylaw #2192 (8 Third Avenue South)

9) Council authorized the raising of the national Metis flag in honour of Louis Riel on November 16, 2013 on the City's flag pole.

10) Council authorized a letter of support for their nomination for a 2013 Skookum Jim Award for the Prospectors & Developers Association of Canada (PDAC)

11) Council received and endorsed the final committee selections for the 2013 "Branding the City with Art" Street Banner Project

12) Council received a letter from the CCCTA in regards to their AGM being held at Denny Island, BC (by Bella Coola)

13) At the request of the local Royal Legion, Council approved the following:

a) The Poppy Campaign sale days from October 28 to November 11, 2013;
b) encourage the community to attend the Remembrance Day ceremonies at the Gibraltar Room on November 11, 2013;
c) The parade route on November 11, 2013 be approved as indicated and Staff coordinate the placement of barricades as requested; and approval be given for the use of the City Hall lobby for accumulation of Wreath and Crosses before and after the service parade; and further,
d) Proclaim the week of November 4 to 11, 2013 as "Veterans' Week" in the City of Williams Lake, pursuant to City Policy, and approval be given to display the Legion Flag on the City's flag pole for this week.

14) Council received a letter from the BC Achievement Foundation for their 2013 Award program and members of the community were encouraged to submit nominations and the information be posted on the City's website

15) Council received/endorsed minutes from the Sept 23rd Central Cariboo Joint Committee meeting and at the request of Councillor Ivan Bonnell, referred the email from CRD Area D Director Deb Bischoff re: withdraw Area D from CC Joint Committee and Memo of Understanding re: CC Joint Committee to a future Committee of the Whole meeting

16) Council proclaimed October 2013 as 'Foster Family' month in the City of Williams Lake

17) Council received the 'Council Information Package' as follows:

• September 18, 2013 - Independent Contractors & Businesses Association of BC re 'Construction Monitor' Fall 2013;
• September 24, 2013 - Gas Tax Program Services re Community Works Fund Payment for Fiscal 2013/2014.

18) Council received for information a monthly from its' City Manager (CAO) - read here
19) Council received for information the bi-weekly activity report of Mayor Cook

Members of Council reported on activities/issues that they were involved with/in

Meeting adjourned at 7:55pm


  1. Where might one access Bischoff's letter regarding Area D withdrawal?

    A concerned Area D resident

  2. Anonymous at 10:47am:

    Thank you for your comment. The best answer to your question is to contact Director Bischoff directly by email or phone

    Email - dbischoff@cariboord.bc.ca
    Phone - 250-989-1515


    Steve Forseth
    Cariboo RD Area D Alternate Director
