Saturday, November 30, 2013

Cariboo RD Fin/Bud Cmte Mtg - Nov 29th

Present: Chair J. Glassford with Directors Armstrong, Dixon-Warren, Massier, Bischoff, Kemp, Sorley, Richmond, Wagner, Mernett, Sharpe, Sjostrom, Cook, Campsall and Alternate Director Crawshay (Area L)

Absent: Director R. William (Area J)


J. Bell - CAO
S. Reid - CFO
S. Burich - Mgr of Communications

Meeting called to order at 10:54am
Agenda approved


1) 2014 Financial Plan Overview

CAO Bell reviewed her report with the Committee
Discussion ensued

Committee Action - Report received

2) North Cariboo Rural Caucus Grant in Aide applications

CAO Bell reviewed this item with the Committee
Discussion ensued

Committee Action - GIA applications received and no further action to be taken

3) North Cariboo Joint Committee Recommendations - Nov 12th

Committee Action - Endorse Recommendations as presented - view here

4) South Cariboo Joint Committee Recommendations - Nov  13th

Committee Action - Endorse Recommendations as presented - view here

5) Central Cariboo/City of Williams Lake Joint Committee Recommendation - Nov 13th

Committee Action - Endorse Recommendation as follows:

That the agenda item summary from Darron Campbell, Manager of Community Services, Cariboo Regional District dated October 16, 2013 presenting the Central Cariboo Recreation and Leisure Services 2014 Business, Financial and Capital Plans be received and endorsed as amended with the inclusion of the updated business plans, excluding Business Plan Goal #2 for a new dedicated staff person in the recreation services management agreement with the City of Williams Lake.

Approved by following vote:

Affirmative - Chair Glassford and Directors Armstrong, Dixon-Warren, Massier, Kemp, Sorley, Richmond, Wagner, Mernett, Sharpe, Sjostrom, Cook, Campsall and Alternate Director Crawshay (Area L)

Negative - Director Bischoff

6) Approval of 2014 Business Plans

a) Airports - Approved
b) Contributions - Approved except for Central Cariboo Victim Services/Central Cariboo Cemetery which was approved by following vote:

Affirmative - Chair Glassford and Directors Armstrong, Dixon-Warren, Massier, Kemp, Sorley, Richmond, Wagner, Mernett, Sharpe, Sjostrom, Cook, Campsall and Alternate Director Crawshay (Area L)

Negative - Director Bischoff

c) Recreation - Approved except for Central Cariboo Recreation/Leisure Services which was approved by following vote:

Affirmative - Chair Glassford and Directors Armstrong, Dixon-Warren, Kemp, Sorley, Richmond, Wagner, Mernett, Sharpe, Sjostrom, Campsall and Alternate Director Crawshay (Area L)

Negative - Directors Massier, Bischoff and Cook

d) Library, Culture and Heritage - Approved except for Central Cariboo Arts/Culture which was approved by following vote:

Affirmative - Chair Glassford and Directors Armstrong, Dixon-Warren, Massier, Kemp, Sorley, Richmond, Wagner, Mernett, Sharpe, Sjostrom, Cook, Campsall and Alternate Director Crawshay (Area L)

Negative - Director Bischoff

e) Development Services - Approved by following vote:

Affirmative - Chair Glassford and Directors Armstrong, Dixon-Warren, Massier, Kemp, Sorley, Richmond, Wagner, Mernett, Sharpe, Sjostrom, Cook, Campsall and Alternate Director Crawshay (Area L)

Negative - Director Bischoff

f) Protective Services - Approved with amendments as follows:

i) Add $10,000 to Lorne Butte VFD Capital Reserve
ii) Add $1,000 to Bouchie Lake VFD for Recruitment

by following vote:

Affirmative - Chair Glassford and Directors Armstrong, Dixon-Warren, Massier, Kemp, Sorley, Richmond, Mernett, Sharpe, Sjostrom, Cook, Campsall and Alternate Director Crawshay (Area L)

Negative - Directors Bischoff and Wagner

The Chair declared a recess for lunch at 12:08pm and the meeting resumed at 12:45pm

g) Environmental Services - Approved
h) Sewer - Approved

i) Streetlighting - Approved with amendment as follows:

1) Send a letter to BC Hydro asking for installation of LED lights

j) Water - Approved
k) Electoral Area Administration (Areas A-L) - Approved

l) General Administration - Approved with following amendment:

i) New Goal -- Support First Nation Reconciliation efforts

by a vote of:

Affirmative - Chair Glassford and Directors Armstrong, Massier, Sorley, Richmond, Wagner, Mernett, Sharpe, Sjostrom, Cook, Campsall and Alternate Director Crawshay (Area L)

Negative - Directors Dixon-Warren, Bischoff and Kemp

m) Grant in Aides - Approved by following vote:

Affirmative - Chair Glassford and Directors Armstrong, Dixon-Warren, Massier, Kemp, Sorley, Richmond, Wagner, Mernett, Sharpe, Sjostrom, Cook, Campsall and Alternate Director Crawshay (Area L)

Negative - Director Bischoff

7) CFO Report as of Oct 31st, 2013

Committee Action - Receive report

8) Level 3 Corporate Priorities

Committee Action - Receive report

9) 2014 Cariboo RD Provisional Budget for Public Consultation

Committee Action - Endorse 2014 Provisional Budget for Public Consultation in 1st Quarter 2014

General Discussion on manner of public consultation for 2014 Cariboo Regional District Budget.  No motion was made

Meeting adjourned at 1:44pm

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