Friday, November 15, 2013

CEAA fires back at Taseko Mines

After Taseko Mines went public with their concerns around certain aspects of the Federal Review Panel's 'New Prosperity' Final Report which raised significant concerns about environmental impacts on Fish Lake and local First Nations - the Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency (CEAA) has now fired back at Taseko asking it provide clarity around its' (Taseko) concerns as it relates to the Final Report and Fish Lake

Read the letter from Yves Leboeuf, Operations VP for the CEAA here
Also read a Vancouver Province story on this item here
Finally - read Taseko Mines previous press release on this here

This is certainly the first time that I can remember where a 'very public' fight has taken place between a company proposing a development and a rep from the CEAA.  Interesting to see where this goes next...


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