Friday, November 22, 2013

Local Gov't Mtgs - Wk of Nov 25-29

Local governments in the Cariboo-Chilcotin are having meetings this upcoming week as follows:

Quesnel - First up, is a public hearing for a rezoning application at 654 Reid Street.  The hearing starts at 6:30pm on Monday, Nov 25th in Quesnel Council Chambers (2nd Floor - 410 Kinchant St).  View the full Agenda here.  Following the public hearing, Quesnel Council will start their Regular Meeting at 7pm.  Items on the Agenda include:

a) Ratify Committee of the Whole recommendation from Nov 18th COW meeting
b) New ABC Communications Tower at 'Sugarloaf'
c) Receive results from Oct 30th Reg Economic Forum

View the full Agenda here

School District #28 (Quesnel) - Regular meeting at 7pm on Wed Nov 27th in the SD 28 Boardroom (410 North Star Rd).  View the Agenda here

School District #27 (Cariboo-Chilcotin) - Regular meeting at 6:30pm on Tues Nov 26th in the SD 27 Boardroom (350 2nd Avenue North, Williams Lake).  View the Agenda here

100 Mile House - Regular Meeting at 7pm in 100 Mile House Council Chambers (385 Birch Ave).  View the Agenda here

Cariboo Regional District:

Wed Nov 27th - Central Cariboo Rural Directors Caucus Mtg at 4pm in the Cariboo RD Committee Room (WL Office, 180D North 3rd Ave, Williams Lake).  View the Agenda here.  Items for consideration include review of CC Joint Committee Terms of Reference & Appts to new Pool Referendum Communications Working Group (2 Directors from Areas D, E, F)

Friday Nov 29th - Special CRD Board Meeting at 9:30am in the CRD Boardroom (180D North 3rd Ave, Williams Lake).  Items on the Agenda include:

a) Adopt recommendations from various Rural Caucus/Joint Committees
b) Future Direction of the Ag Land Reserve & Ag Land Commission
c) Email from former Area B Director Ken Falloon re: Area B Grant in Aide.  Is Mr. Falloon thinking about a run to get back his old seat against current Area B Director Heloise Dixon-Warren?  Based on the tone of his email to CRD Administrator Janis Bell - there is that possibility

d) There will be an In-Camera session under Sections 90(1)(a & k) of the Community Charter (appointments and negotiations)

View the Agenda here

Following the adjournment of the Special Board meeting - the CRD's Finance Committee will commence its' meeting, again in the CRD Boardroom.  Items on the Agenda include:

a) Recommendations from Joint Committees or Rural Caucuses
b) Review 2014 Business Plans for all Functions/Services
c) 2014 Financial Plan Overview from CRD CAO J. Bell
d) CFO Report to Oct 31st, 2013
e) Level 3 Corporate Priorities

View the full Agenda here

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