Tuesday, November 12, 2013

NC Multicentre Rejection Aftermath...

Update at 8:11am, Tues Nov 12th - Cariboo RD Area A Director Ted Armstrong tells CBC Daybreak North that the North Cariboo Multicentre is now "dead" as a result of last Saturday's referendum vote.  Read more here

Original Blog Post:

This past weekend - residents of Quesnel and within portions of Cariboo RD Areas A, B, C and I voted to reject extending a 2008 Cariboo RD $15 million Borrowing Bylaw to build a North Cariboo Multicentre until 2015.

Now - the North Cariboo Joint Committee will meet tonight to discuss the 2014 North Cariboo Recreation Function Budget and I expect members of that Committee will discuss the next steps for replacing Arena #1 in Quesnel as a result of this past weekend's referendum vote.  View the Committee's Agenda here

Meanwhile - Quesnel Mayor Mary Sjostrom this morning on local radio lamented on last weekend's vote but did agree time will tell as to which money or grants that was raised or given for a North Cariboo Multicentre will have to be returned to the donors which totalled just over $7 million.  She also stated that she felt that there was not enough time to put together a proposal to replace Arena #1 in Quesnel prior to the Nov 2014 civic vote. CKPG reports more on this here

Meanwhile - QuesnelNews editor Pat Morton editorializes on the outcome of last Saturday's vote which you can read for yourself here

Finally - the question of whether or not the general public can observe tonight's North Cariboo Joint Planning Committee was asked on Facebook in the last few days and the answer is YES - the items to be discussed tonight are public ones and there is no scheduled In-Camera meeting of the Committee today, as of this writing.

The North Cariboo Joint Planning Committee comprised of all member of Quesnel Council & the Cariboo Regional District Directors for Electoral Areas A, B, C and I will commence their meeting at 5:30pm today in Quesnel Council Chambers (2nd Floor - 410 Kinchant Street).  The meeting chair will be Cariboo RD Area A Director Ted Armstrong



  1. Maybe we need to plan for something of appropriate size for our small communities. Borrowing this amount of money did not make sense.

  2. The vote may have gone the other way but for a few key factors. First, Canfor's closure weighed in. Second, the inappropriate rah-rah of elected officials using taxpayers money to influence voters to cast a yes ballot. Third, the staunch opposition and vote mobilization by Pat Morton and Ron Paull. And fourth, the disdain for the mayor's leadership on this initiative, as she convinced council of no plan B, the sheeple on council followed her (for which they will be duly sorted in the next election), while the public galvanized against her.....although this wasn't a major piece behind the opposition, it was absolutely in play. So what should have been a decision based on fact and business, became something else due to personalities and behaviour, and what else you may ask, is new in Quesnel.
