Thursday, November 21, 2013

Property Crime Statistics Decrease an Average of 53% since '08

Courtesy of the City of Williams Lake:

A third-quarter update from the Williams Lake RCMP shows a number of property crime categories have seen significant decreases from the benchmark year of 2008, and from last year. Council received the report from Staff Sergeant Ken Brissard and Dave Dickson, responsible for community safety, at the Nov. 19 Council meeting.

Break and Enters to Businesses have decreased 81% between 2008 and 2013, and 85% since the third quarter of 2012. Break and Enters to Residences have decreased 51% since 2008 and 38% since 2012. Theft of vehicles is up 10% over last year with 97 year to date, but down 63% from 262 stolen vehicles in 2008.

Overall, property crime has decreased 53% since 2008, and 30% since last year, showing improvement over the first quarter of 2013 update. The 30% drop in overall property crime exceeds the “E” Division goal of 10% this year.

So far this year, there have been 75 domestic violence calls for service, down 13% from last year, and up 7% since 2008. Williams Lake’s RCMP detachment is the second in the province to implement an Interagency Case Assessment Team (ICAT) to protect and offer support to those involved with domestic violence. The team includes the RCMP, Women’s Contact Society, Interior Health, the Ministry of Children and Families, the Native Friendship Society, and others.

There have been approximately 350 false alarm calls for service so far this year, down 29% from 2012, and down 48% since 2008. The City passed a False Alarm Bylaw to encourage responsible alarm usage in 2011.

We are always looking at ways to reduce crime, and that work continues,” says Williams Lake Mayor Kerry Cook. “These are numbers worth pausing to acknowledge, and proof that the hard work of the RCMP, community policing volunteers, and the City is paying dividends in the form of a safer community.”

We as a detachment have worked hard at combating crime,” says Williams Lake RCMP Detachment commander Warren Brown. “We are fortunate as well to have such engaged community partners and stakeholders that do excellent within their sphere of influence. Our community is supportive and we will continue to make every effort to make our streets and homes safe. “

Dickson also reminded Council and the community that Operation Red Nose, a service to drive people and their vehicles home to help avoid impaired driving, will run from November 29th to December 31st.

Mayor Cook and Inspector Brown will attend a Northern Crime Reduction Strategy Meeting in Prince George on Nov. 28 to discuss ways to further address crime in the community.

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