Wednesday, November 27, 2013

WL Council has re-do of Zoning Amendment Bylaw #2193

Due to the requirements for a public hearing notice as per Section 892(3) of the Local Government Act not being complied with as it relates to Zoning Amendment Bylaw #2193 for 327 Oliver St

The City of Williams Lake Council will be rescinding 3rd Reading/Adoption of Bylaw #2193 as done at their Nov 19th meeting and the Public Hearing & 3rd Reading and adoption of Bylaw #2193 will be redone at Council's December 17th, 2013 meeting

See the explanation from the City Manager of Legislative Services here

This is not the first time that a local government in our area has had to redo a public hearing.  A number of years ago, the public hearing notice requirements were mishandled for a rezoning issue in Area L of the Cariboo Regional District and the public hearing notice was subsequently republished and the public hearing redone.

Given the public hearing is a very legal process, kudos to the City for ensuring that its' adoption of land use bylaws follow a very legal and rigid process...

Again, like on Nov 19th, I expect that no public will come forward to speak for or against the application for 327 Oliver Street and Council will again be in a position to adopt Bylaw #2193 on December 17th


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