Friday, December 6, 2013

Another Ltr of Support for New Prosperity

In a letter dated today (Dec 6th, 2013) - the Interlakes Economic Association, based in Electoral Area 'L' of the Cariboo RD, write a letter to Prime Minister Stephen Harper expressing its' support and hope that New Prosperity gets the green light by his Cabinet - view that letter here

Meanwhile - a Dalhousie University professor says that Taseko filing of a judicial review of the Federal Review Panel's final report for the New Prosperity mine project could become problematic for the Federal Government, especially after Taseko has said publicly that it would withdraw the judicial review if Ottawa gives the green light to New Prosperity in early 2014

My own view is that the judicial review that Taseko seeks could lead to a sticky legal situation of:

a) Taseko gets green light for New Prosperity - opponents tie up project in legal proceedings for years
b) New Prosperity gets rejected again - Taseko launches legal proceedings because the Federal Cabinet made an incorrect decision based on a faulty Federal Review Panel report

I expect New Prosperity will be tied up in a legal quagmire for years *before* any construction starts…


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