Friday, December 20, 2013

End of Week News - Dec 20th edition

1) WL Council delays decision on Highway 97 - Carson Dr - Fox Mountain Project - read here

I wonder how the Ministry of Transportation will respond to this? I can't imagine that they will be entirely pleased but it will be interesting to see how much patience the Ministry will show the City before they say "We're moving on…"

2) Kerry Cook: 'New Prosperity' Message has always been consistent - read here

3) BC Premier looks back on 2013 - read here

4) Tatla Lake resident charged with Gun Trafficking - read here

5) City of Quesnel moves forward on Secondary Suites - read here

6) Chilcotin resident expresses concern about closure of Discovery Tour ferry run (Bella Coola) - read here.  Meanwhile you can your input on this but you have until midnight tonight to do so - click here

Finally - with next week being a 'holiday' week, I'll be take a brief break given no meetings are occurring next week.  When the blog resumes, I'll be reviewing my top 3 local, provincial and federal political stories of 2013… Wherever you are, drive safely to your families, have a Merry Christmas and enjoy the Holidays…


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