Friday, December 13, 2013

Final Local Gov't Mtgs of 2013

With the Cariboo Regional District Board & the Boards of Education for School Districts 27 and 28 on break until 2014 - the final meetings of Wells, Quesnel, Williams Lake and 100 Mile Councils will take place next week as follows:

Wells - Final Council Meeting of 2013 on Tuesday, Dec 17th at 7pm in Wells Council Chambers (4243 Sanders Avenue)

100 Mile House - Final Council Meeting of 2013 on Tuesday, Dec 17th at 7pm in 100 Mile Council Chambers (385 Birch Avenue).  Items on the Agenda include:

a) In-Camera Session - Sections 90(1) - k (negotiations/municipal service) of the Community Charter from 6:30pm - 7:00pm
b) Update from local Water Park Society
c) Consideration of 2014 Grants in Aide
d) Consideration of Resource Allocation Strategy
e) Adopt 2014 100 Mile Council Meeting Schedule

View full Agenda here

Quesnel - Final Council Meeting of 2013 on Monday, Dec 16th at 7pm in Quesnel Council Chambers (2nd Floor - 410 Kinchant Street).  Items on the Agenda include:

a) Presentation of 'Better at Home' Seniors Program from Brenda Gardiner, Project Coordinator
b) Reports from previous QCEDC, Cariboo RD Board and Tourism/Civic Pride Committee meetings
c) Recommendation to give 1st/2nd reading to BIA Bylaws
d) Secondary Suites Public Consultation Summary Report
e) Authorization to do an emergency purchase - Sewer Backup Generator for Lewis Dr
f) Water/Sewer Survey Reports
g) Request for two RCMP officers on temporary basis
h) Councillor Ed Coleman appointed as CEO of the Barkerville Heritage Trust.  I'd like to add my personal congrats to him for this appointment.  I have no doubt he will do an excellent job

View the full Agenda here

Williams Lake - Final Council Meeting of 2013 on Tuesday, Dec 17th at 6pm in Williams Lake Council Chambers (450 Mart St).  Items on the Agenda include:

a) 4 Delegations - Christmas Music Playing Session, 2015 Canada Winter Games Update, Update from Social Planning Council and new 'Timber Kings' TV Show update from Andre Chevigny

b) Receive info from Johnson St residents re: Concerns for Highway 97/Toop Rd/Carson Dr project
c) Staff recommend Option 2 (Highway 97 project connects to Johnson Street) for Highway 97/Toop Rd/Carson Dr project.  Watch for a full Council Chambers for this item on the Agenda.  Also - how much of a 'political hit' will Councillors/Mayor Cook take if they proceed with this recommendation vs going with request of Johnson St residents for independent traffic analysis.  Watch for Councillor Rathor to push for this but will he have support from his Council colleagues?

d) Initial consideration of DVP/DP for 50 unit hotel between Laughing Loon and Best Western Hotel

e) Strike Task Force to consider new Fine Arts Facility in Williams Lake.  Given the precarious state of Glendale Elementary and current Studio Theatre - this is a good move by WL City Manager Darrell Garceau and I hope that both WL Council supports it and asks for endorsement by the local Central Cariboo/City of WL Joint Committee

f) 7 Bylaws to be adopted
g) Adopt 4 Committee of the Whole Recommendations

h) Council to receive bi-weekly update from Mayor Cook

Read full Agenda here.  There is also a Public Hearing on Dec 17th at 7pm for Zoning Amendment Bylaw #2193 (327 Oliver St).  A public hearing on this was completed on Nov 19th however Staff advised a public hearing for this bylaw had to be re-done as the required public hearing advertising (2 ads in 2 consecutive newspaper editions) for Bylaw #2193 was not properly done.  I expect no opposition to the bylaw and Council will be in a position to re-adopt this bylaw.  See the public hearing agenda here

For those in Electoral Area D of the Cariboo RD - there is also an Advisory Planning Commission (APC) meeting on Wednesday, Dec 18th at 6pm at the McLeese Lake Community Hall (6178 Forglen Rd)

This APC makes recommendations to the Area D Director (Deb Bischoff) and the Cariboo RD Board on land use matters.

Items on the Agenda include:

a) ALR Exclusion application for 1561 Kitsul Rd
b) Temporary Permit application for Robertson Rd (up from McLeese Lake General Store)
c) Rezoning Application for Pinnell Rd
d) Rezoning Application to permit Medicinal Marihuana

As a member of the APC and the Area D Alternate Director - if you have time, come to the meeting.  While you won't be able to speak at the meeting, you can observe the meeting proceedings

Meanwhile, in other local government news today:

a) Xeni Gwet'in First Nations protests in front of Taseko Mines offices in Vancouver - read herehere and here

b) City of Williams Lake loses wrongful dismissal case before the Labour Relations Board involving former senior payroll clerk Susan Ronalds - read more here.  City of WL/Ms. Ronalds are currently in negotiations so we all wait and see what the outcome of that is which ranges from return to work at an agreeable time/date to an outright buyout…


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