Wednesday, December 4, 2013

SD27 Board raises its' various allowed expenses

At their Nov 26th meeting - the Board of Education for School District #27 voted unanimously to keep its' base pay as is but to increase the various allowed expenses - Williams Lake Tribune reports on this here

Meanwhile - the Tribune expresses disappointment in this move, given pending a staff support wage increase and what parents are now enduring in terms of school closures and new bussing schedules - read that editorial here

As a voter - I'm equally as disappointed.  School Trustees, although they manage a budget higher than the Cariboo Regional District ($53 million vs $40 million), do not have the same level of responsibilities as Cariboo RD Directors.  Moreover, I personally don't agree that child care expenses by Trustees should be an allowed expense claim.  What message does that send to hard working parents struggling today?  

I imagine as word of this gets out -- parents are likely to express their outrage with this move by the local School Board in various ways - letters to the editor and contacting their local Trustee directly.


1 comment:

  1. Hope parents finally catch on. The scores of kids educational progress, if available would be awful. WE need to TEST TEACHERS on their ability and results .. they should support that idea
