Tuesday, December 17, 2013

WL Council Highlights - Dec 17th mtg

Present: Mayor Cook and Councillors Bonnell, Bourdon, Hughes, Rathor, Walters and Zacharias

Staff present:

Darrell Garceau - City Manager (CAO)
Geoff Goodall - GM of Planning and Operations
Rena Schill - Corp. Services Records Mgmt Coordinator
Chris Hutton - Planning Technician
Grant Martin - Senior Bylaw Officer
Tom Chung - Mgr of IT
Ken MacInnis - Communications Coordinator

Meeting called to order at 6pm
Agenda approved and Minutes of the Dec 3rd WL Council meeting approved


1) Rossetta Paxton played a Christmas song for Council

2) Rosanna McGregor, Sharon Taylor and Jessica Knodel from the local Social Planning Council gave an update to Council on its' activities

3) Andre Chevigny, the GM of Pioneer Log Homes, appeared before Council to discuss the New Timber Kings TV Show which will appear on HGTV in Jan 2014


1) Council received for information the cheque run listing for the periods of December 5 and 12, 2013

2) Council adopted a number of Committee of the Whole recommendations as follows:

a) the package of information from Johnson Street residents in regards to concerns over the Highway 97/Toop Rd/Carson Drive road project be received for the public record

b) Council endorse the proposal to align residential snow removal to the day preceding garbage collection
c) Council confirm that the Downtown Snow removal process remain status quo for the current winter season

During consideration of the COW recommendation 'd' below, Mayor Cook/Councillor Walters declared a perceived conflict of interest (employees of TRU) and left Council Chambers at 9:24pm and both returned at 9:45pm

d) Council support implementing the following changes in parking regulations on Western Avenue:

1) Installation of "No Parking" signs from Blair to Midnight for the entire area on the TRU side of Western Avenue.
2) "Resident Only" parking system for the six residences across from TRU (will be given tags to be left on their dash to allow only those vehicles to park in this area).

3) Allow unrestricted street parking from the corner of Comer Park extending towards Columneetza on the park side of the street (roughly 30 spots).

4) The end of this area as you approach Columneetza would be restricted to only 15 minute stopping to allow parents to pick up/drop off their children at Columneetza.

5) Columneetza School Bus pickup area we would extend the No Stopping area past Latin Street to in front of these first four residences on Western from Latin.
6) The remaining area in front of the residences on Western continuing to Blair would be made as "Residential Parking Only".

7) Blair Avenue on the lower end towards Western "No Parking" on both sides of the street.
8) Latin and Beauchamp "Residential Parking Only" zones.

e) Council support the recommendation to restrict parking on the east side of 11th Avenue between McKinnon Road and Pigeon Avenue.

Meeting recessed at 6:59 to conduct Public Hearing on Bylaw #2193 (327 Oliver St)
Meeting resumed at 7:01pm

3) Council requested Staff for a report to hire a independent traffic engineer to study both Options 1 and 2 & related issues (Highway 97/Toop Rd/Carson Dr road project) and report back at the Jan 14th, 2014 Council meeting which was agreed to by the following vote:

Affirmative - Councillors Bonnell, Bourdon, Rathor, Walters and Zacharias
Negative - Mayor Cook and Councillor Hughes

4) Council received for information a report from the Manager of Transportation and Buildings in regards to he liquid propane gas (LPG) fleet vehicle conversions, including an overview of the fuel cost savings and reduction in GHG emissions of operating on propane

5) After receiving two delegations - Council approved Development Variance Permit #7-2013 for 271 Foster Way by the following vote:

Affirmative - Mayor Cook and Councillors Bonnell, Bourdon, Walters and Zacharias
Negative - Councillors Hughes and Rathor

6) Council referred to the Planning and Ops Committee a report from the Engineering Technologist in regards to the summary and results of the traffic data collection performed on Second and Third Avenues North and consider available options for traffic calming.

7) Council agreed to uphold the property owner's requirements to pay both outstanding Repeat Service Call fees issued to 1621 South Lakeside Drive.

8) Council received DVP #6-2013 & DP #7-2013 for a 50 unit hotel at 1740 and 1820 Broadway Avenue South. These applications will considered at a future meeting of Williams Lake City Council which was approved by the following vote:

Affimative - Mayor Cook & Councillors Bonnell, Bourdon, Rathor, Walters and Zacharias
Negative - Councillor Hughes (concerned about parking issues)

9) Council agreed to form a task force of community stakeholders in the cultural community, fine arts community, business sector, educational sector and local government to undertake a review and needs assessment of a Fine Arts Centre in Williams Lake.

10) Council adopted the following bylaws:

a) Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 2193 (327 Oliver St)
b) City of Williams Lake Regional Airport Fees Amendment Bylaw No. 2199, 2013
c) Williams Lake Animal Control and Licensing Amendment Bylaw No. 2200, 2013
d) Williams Lake Business License Amendment Bylaw No. 2201, 2013
e) City of Williams Lake Sign Amendment Bylaw No. 2202, 2013
f) Williams Lake Traffic Control Amendment Bylaw No. 2203, 2013
g) Business Improvement Area Bylaw Renewal - Bylaw No. 2198

11) Council received a letter from the Honours and Awards Secretariat of BC dated November 14, 2013 regarding the 2014 Call for Nominations for the Order of British Columbia. This information will be posted on the City's website

12) Council received a letter from the Hon. Shirley Bond in regards to he meeting with City representatives at the 2013 UBCM Convention and moving forward with the formation of a working group for the Rural BC Project with the three Beetle Action Coalitions

13) Council received a letter from the Museum of the Cariboo-Chilcotin in regards to the potential for an application in 2014 for Creative Space Funding for museums and art galleries through the Provincial government and referred it to the Community Services Committee.

14) Council received the Council Information Package as of Dec 17th as follows:

• December 2013 - NCLGA ConnectorNo. 123;
• December 2013 - Economic Development in BC Newsletter;
• December 2013 - Victim Services and Crime Prevention Information Bulletin;
• December 5, 2013 - Harrison Hot Springs re Core Review of ALC and ALR;
• December 6, 2013 - Thank You for High Collission Signage at Western Avenue & Johnson Street Intersection;
• December 6, 2013 - City of Prince Rupert re Importance of Ferry Service to Prince Rupert;
• December 9, 2013 - BC Ferries re Cancellation of Discovery Coast Passage Route in 2014;
• December 10, 2013 - Barkerville Heritage Trust re Announcement of New CEO Ed Coleman;
• December 10, 2013 - WL & District Chamber of Commerce News Release re Williams Lake, South Cariboo, Quesnel Chambers in Vancouver to Call for New Prosperity Project to be Approved;

• December 13, 2013 - CRD Board Highlights.

15) Council received a monthly report of Mayor Cook's activities

Councillor Rathor reported on his fundraising activities for the City's 85th Birthday celebrations

Resolved - At the appropriate time, Mayor Cook be authorized to send thank you letters to those who donated materials or funds for the City's 85th Birthday celebrations

Meeting adjourned at 9:58pm and after a brief recess, Council went into an In-Camera meeting in accordance with Section 90(1)(e - property) of the Community Charter

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