Tuesday, January 21, 2014

2013 BC Election Detailed Stats available

Earlier today - Elections BC released by the poll by poll numbers for BC's 85 Electoral Districts for the 40th General Election held in May 2013.  Read that document here

In reviewing the two local electoral districts -- Cariboo-North & Cariboo-Chilcotin…

Cariboo-North - MLA Oakes did very well in Advance Voting and in addition, Duncan Barnett was able to win enough polls to take away votes from Bob Simpson to allow Oakes to take advantage of a 3 way race.  Meanwhile 81 spoiled ballots were submitted

Cariboo-Chilcotin - Like MLA Oakes, MLA Barnett did very well in Advanced Voting and in addition, this was a 4 person race, but really came down to the BC Liberals & BC NDP and given Charlie Wyse's "misspeak" on prohibition on fracking, the polls numbers reflected on voters' desire for resource development and the commitments made by MLA Barnett


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