Friday, January 17, 2014

C2C Forum - Sugarcane

Yesterday - I had the honour to participate in a "Community to Community Forum" (C2C) hosted by the Williams Lake Indian Band in their gym

Those who participated included most members of WL City Council and their City Manager Darrell Garceau, Directors Armstrong, Massier, Kemp, Sorley, Richmond, Wagner, Rattray and myself/Director Bischoff and our CAO, Janis Bell, on behalf of the Cariboo RD and staff and Chief/Councillors from the WL Indian Band.  As well, 100 Mile House Mayor Mitch Campsall participated in this meeting

We first introduced ourselves to each other and then held discussions on local services & land use planning and how to make these work for all of our communities

We also made plans to move forward on the momentum established at this meeting.

I have to say that if given the opportunity again - I would gladly participate in a forum like this again and we should budget for forums like this every year so we can have annual 'conversations' on how to make services work for all of our peoples (First Nations/Non-First Nations)


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