Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Clr Bourdon: Respect MOTI Professionals on Highway 97 Project

From Rush/Wolf:

A group of local citizens pitch a new idea for the Highway 97 improvements.

Their suggestion? installing roundabouts.

Representing the Citizens Committee is John Moon, who believes their idea will save money and be a more viable option for the highway.

City Council welcomes his suggestions, but do not want to move forward without input from the Ministry of Transportation.

Geoff Bourdon, of Williams Lake City Council explains why input from the Provincial Government is a must:

"If it is a matter of someone having a home run idea, and they have the best plan, then there's no reason we shouldn't do it. I am not going to forego all of the expertise at the Ministry and assume they don't know what they're doing. It's a bit offensive to go and do that, and I don't feel that is being true to the professionals there."

The first choice for council is to move the intersection from Carson to Toop, and that will be discussed at their next meeting February 4th, with suggestions from reprsentatives of the Ministry.

The roundabout idea presented by Moon is not considered an option, until the Ministry gives its approval.

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