Thursday, January 9, 2014

CMRC Pool Renovation information now available

Joint Release of the City of WL/Cariboo RD:

A new Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) document about the proposed Sam Ketcham Pool renovation and upgrade is now available through the Cariboo Regional District, the City of Williams Lake and the Cariboo Memorial Recreation Complex. Hard copies of the FAQ will be available at these offices and will also be posted on the following websites:

Cariboo Regional District –
City of Williams Lake –
Cariboo Memorial Complex -

A Facebook page dedicated to helping provide information to residents and an opportunity for residents to ask questions can be found at A Twitter feed can also be found at @SKPReferendum. Be sure to check these sites often as we will continue to provide regular updated information about the proposed renovations and the referendum process as it becomes available.

Leading up to the Nov. 15 referendum, information will be distributed through various channels including the media, social media, the internet, the mail system and advertisements.

The focus of this information will be to provide residents with all of the information residents will need to help them make a decision that is right for them on Nov. 15,” stated CRD Electoral Area E Director Byron Kemp.

We will be using as many communication tools as possible to reach all residents within the central Cariboo recreation boundary,” said Williams Lake City Councillor Laurie Walters. “It’s important that information is readily available.”

The referendum, which will be held on Nov. 15, 2014, will ask voters if they approve borrowing up to $10 million over 20 years. The remainder of the cost of the approximately $11.3 million project will need to be made up from grants, fundraising, and capital reserves. Proceeding with the project would result in a taxation increase for Central Cariboo Recreation services of approximately $40/$100,000 of residential assessment, including operating costs of the expanded facility.

The Cariboo Memorial Complex Pool Feasibility Study can be viewed on the CRD website at or on the City of Williams Lake website at

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