Friday, January 17, 2014

NC Recreation Survey Results Released

Courtesy of the City of Quesnel/Cariboo RD:

During a Strategic Planning session held on Wednesday night, the North Cariboo Joint Planning Committee (NCJPC) reviewed the results of the recent North Cariboo Recreation Survey. The telephone survey was conducted by Discovery Research between Jan. 2 - 12 to speak with North Cariboo residents about their use and satisfaction with current North Cariboo Recreation and Parks services and about their priorities for future recreation infrastructure planning. A total of 1,000 residents within the North Cariboo Recreation and Parks boundary participated in the survey.

In general, the survey revealed that more than 50 percent of residents feel that replacing Arena 1 and renovating the swimming pool at the Arts and Recreation Centre are important. The survey also showed that residents are divided regarding their willingness to increase taxes to build a new arena.

When asked about a performing arts theatre, a majority of survey participants indicated they do not support a tax increase to construct a performing arts theatre.

At the end of the strategic planning meeting, the North Cariboo Joint Planning Committee requested staff to prepare a report that will be presented during the regularly-scheduled Feb. 11 NCJPC meeting. The report will be based on the findings of the survey, and discussions with elected officials during the strategic planning session. The document will provide options for the next steps in future infrastructure needs of the North Cariboo Recreation and Parks service.

I am pleased with the 100 percent attendance and participation of all North Cariboo Joint Planning Committee members during last night’s strategic planning session,” stated Committee Co-Chair Ted Armstrong. “The committee is eagerly awaiting the report from staff which will be presented to the Joint Committee in February. Shortly thereafter we will be engaging the public in a thorough and meaningful consultation process.”

I would like to thank those residents living in the North Cariboo Recreation and Parks boundary for taking the time to participate in the survey,” said Quesnel Mayor Mary Sjostrom. “The North Cariboo Joint Planning Committee looks forward to the next steps in determining the future of recreation infrastructure in our community, based on your input.”

Full tabular results of the survey and a survey summary are available online at or

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