Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Quesnel Council Highlights - Jan 13th mtg

Courtesy of the City of Quesnel:

New Budget Principles Policy

Council approved a new Budget Principles Policy which outlines the principles for developing the annual operating budget, five-year capital budget, the five-year financial plan bylaw and tax rate bylaw. These principles include:
• emphasis on providing high quality municipal services;
• paying for current operating expenditures with current revenues;
• provision for sufficient funding for adequate maintenance and orderly replacement of capital items;
• future maintenance needs and costs for all new capital facilities;
• strong customer service and productivity improvements with a focus on cost savings;
• maximizing grant funding from senior governments, providing they support priority City initiatives;
• supporting the activities of Quesnel Community and Economic Development Corporation;
• consideration of new Revenue Generation activities which create or enhance non-tax revenue streams;
• moving towards user fee based funding, where appropriate, to lower the pressure on taxation;
• moving towards full cost recovery on services provided by the City to Regional District residents; and
• analysis of new municipal services requested and how to fund the service.

Initial budget review and timetable

Council took a first look at some preliminary budget numbers. To begin the process, staff prepared what is commonly referred to as a “status quo” budget. This means the budget is prepared based on maintaining existing service levels and taking items such as inflation into consideration. There are many variables for Council to consider going forward, such as new cost items and increases to reserves (like the Quesnel Works: Capital Reinvestment Reserve and the General Equipment Reserve), and exploring new revenue ideas. As a result, this initial budget is really just a starting point for Council.
The first official budget meeting takes place on Monday Jan. 27 to review the operating budget. The next meeting is on Monday, Feb. 17 and the formal public input session is on Monday Feb. 24. All meetings begin at 7 p.m. and the public is encouraged to attend. If you are unable to attend these meetings and wish to provide input on the budget, please contact City Hall.
BC Assessment has sent its 2014 assessment notices and an overview of the changes in Quesnel was provided to Council. While this information is preliminary (the final numbers are released in March), it provides critical input as the City prepares its 2014 budget.

Other News

• Council approved using social media as part of the City’s communication tools. Facebook and Twitter will be launched this week. Visit the website for more information.
• Brandee Schutz was officially appointed as a new member to the Museum and Heritage Commission.
• Council was successful in their application for an infrastructure planning grant and has been approved for $10,000. This grant will provide an overall sustainability report of our current water systems and the funding models used. The report will be available in early spring.

Important Dates

February 1 - Winter Carnival (West Fraser Timber Park, 1 - 5:30 p.m.)
May 7 to 9 - North Central Local Government Association AGM (Fort St. John)


February 17 to 21 - Rotary Week in Quesnel

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