Friday, February 14, 2014

Cariboo RD Board Highlights - Feb 14th mtg

Courtesy of the Cariboo Regional District:

Williams Lake Timber Supply Area

Mike Pedersen, District Manager, Resource Operations, and Kerri Howse, Stewardship Officer - Forests, Lands & Natural Resource Operations provided an overview of the Williams Lake Timber Supply Area Public Discussion Paper. The Ministry of Forest Lands and Natural Resource Operations are requesting public input as it is an important part of establishing the new annual allowable cut. Feedback is welcomed on any aspect of the discussion paper or any other issues related to the timber supply review for the Williams Lakes Timber Supply Area. Comments must be received by March 17, 2014. Further information about the Williams Lake Timber Supply Area and the Public Discussion Paper is available online at


The Cariboo Regional District will be taking forward two resolutions to the North Central Local Government Association's (NCLGA) Annual General Meeting and Convention. The topics will include an idle free initiative, and identifying the priority of telephone repair services in rural and remote areas after a service outage. The AGM and Convention will be held in Fort St. John, May 7-9, 2014.  This annual event is focused on connecting communities, identifying common challenges and facilitating positive change. Further information about the NCLGA is available online at

Dr.George Powell,, appeared before the Board to provide information on their winter feeding stewardship project. The goal of the program is to assist producers in the agriculture industry to improve management and stewardship practices and ensuring all practices are environmentally friendly. Some of the services offered through the program include: management, planning and enterprise development support; environmental farm planning; extension and education services; as well as research and analytical services. Further information is available online at

Laying Hens and Hobby Beekeeping

The CRD Board gave first and second reading to a Bylaw to allow laying hens and hobby beekeeping in smaller residential and rural zones. Public Hearings will be conducted to seek input into these proposed bylaws.

Northern Health Update

Margaret Sadlon, Health Service Administrator for Northern Health (NH) appeared before the Cariboo Chilcotin Regional Hospital District (CCRHD) Board to give an update on health care in the North Cariboo. The presentation included an overview of community mental

health, an update on the Master Plan, the Quesnel Health Services program, an update on Quesnel medical staff, and recent CCRHD capital purchases. Further information about NH is available online at

CRD 2014 Budget Open Houses

The CRD will be hosting three meetings as part of the 2014 Budget Consultation process. The sub-regional budget consultation meetings are an opportunity for residents to provide feedback and suggestions to the CRD’s Board of Directors about the proposed budget and business plans before they receive final adoption on March 28, 2014.
Meetings will take place as follows:

North Cariboo
Feb. 25 – 4-7 p.m. - Presentation at 5:30 p.m. - Quesnel Council Chambers
South Cariboo
Feb. 27 – 4-7 p.m. – Presentation 5:30 p.m.
100 Mile House Council Chambers
Central Cariboo & Chilcotin
March 1 – 1-4 p.m. Presentation at 2:30 p.m. - CRD Board Room – Williams Lake

Support for IEA Business Façade Improvement Program

The Cariboo Regional District will be submitting a letter of support for the Interlakes Economic Association (IEA) application to the Northern Development Initiative Trust program’s Business Façade Improvement Program.  The IEA Business Façade Improvement program provides grants to property and business owners to assist with the costs to renovate, restore or redesign their facades. Eligible properties are buildings/land zoned Commercial which is located within the Interlakes Area Official Community Plan boundary. More information about the IEA is available on their website at

Next Meeting

CRD Board – March 7, 2014.

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