Thursday, February 27, 2014

City of Quesnel/CUPE reach agreement

Courtesy of the City of Quesnel:

The City of Quesnel is pleased to announce it has ratified a contract agreement with the Canadian Union of Public Employees Local 1050-01, which represents approximately 40 City employees. These employees work at the Quesnel and District Arts and Recreation Centre and have a different collective bargaining agreement from that of the rest of the City’s unionized workforce.
City and CUPE bargaining teams met on Feb. 18 and 19 to reach a tentative agreement. That agreement was endorsed by both the union membership and City Council on Feb. 24.
The City reached a similar agreement with CUPE Local 1050 employees in October last year.
Both contract agreements cover a three-year term, retroactive to June 8, 2013. All unionized employees will receive a 1.5% increase in year one, followed by a 1.75% increase in year two and a 2% increase in year three.
“I am pleased that bargaining with both CUPE Local 1050 and CUPE Local 1050-01 has resulted in an amicable  settlement,” said Mayor Mary Sjostrom. “Quesnel is facing some tough economic challenges and the contracts recognize those realities. I would like to thank the bargaining teams for their efforts through this process and acknowledge the outstanding employees we have working at all of our facilities.” 

“Our members have now ratified the agreements for 1050-01,” said CUPE Local 1050 and 1050-01 President Christi McKee-Poitras. “It was a productive round of bargaining for 1050 and 1050-01 and definitely a learning experience. We look forward to maintaining the positive working relationship with our employer and moving forward with our future endeavors.”  

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