Thursday, February 27, 2014

City of WL on New Prosperity Rejection

Courtesy of the City of Williams Lake:

Williams Lake Mayor Kerry Cook says words cannot capture the emotion she’s felt since the Government of Canada announced it will not approve permits allowing the $1.5-billion New Prosperity Gold-Copper Mine Project to proceed.

“It is a far greater feeling than disappointment, and for residents, this is devastating and infuriating news,” says Mayor Kerry Cook. “This project would have had Canada-wide benefits, but nowhere will the effects be felt more than here in the Cariboo.”

“The federal government has sent some strong messages throughout the country with this decision. The City has consistently said it supports responsible resource development, and the City and the people of the Cariboo will be watching future decisions very carefully.”

In discussions with Taseko Mines Limited, the company said it is looking at all available options, and has not made any decisions at this time.

“It’s not a productive use of our time to point fingers or blame,” Mayor Cook says. “If there’s anything I know about the people of the Cariboo, it’s that we are resilient and we don’t give up. We got through the first no decision on the Prosperity mine in 2010, we’ve got through mill closures, and we will get through this.”

“We all have a choice on how we move forward, and my choice is to not let disappointment or disillusionment get in the way of the work we as community leaders need to do.”

The mayor has already had discussions with proponent Taseko Mines, MP Dick Harris, MLA Donna Barnett, and Minister Coralee Oakes. The minister will be at City Hall to meet with the Mayor on Friday morning to discuss this matter further.

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