Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Quesnel Council Highlights - Feb 3rd mtg

Courtesy of the City of Quesnel:

Consultation on downtown parking options to occur

Consultation with the Downtown Business Association and stakeholders regarding parking options will occur. The City is in the preliminary stages of looking at options to improve parking on Reid Street.
Land use for medical marihuana

Council approved drafting bylaw amendments defining and prohibiting land use for Medical Marihuana Production Facilities including providing a clear definition of area land use and adding to the list of prohibited land uses for Council’s consideration.

These amendments ensure that any future applications for a Medical Marihuana Production Facility will be brought before Council for approval.

The current proponent has applied for a Temporary Land Use Permit for a Medical Marihuana Production Facility. The term of such a permit is three years.

Taking care of our infrastructure

The Director of Public Works and Engineering was directed by Council to have discussions with industry stakeholders and the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure in order to find solutions to the challenges facing the City’s streets and bridges from vehicles exceeding recommended capacities.

New home for Public Works

The City of Quesnel has purchased lands on Sword Avenue for $245,000. These funds will be taken from the Public Works Reserve and used for the construction of a proposed new Public Works facility.

Operating budget approvals

The preliminary Operating Budget was brought to Council on January 27. At this meeting, Council approved the Community Support and Council Expenses budgets as presented at that session.

Other news

Council has applied for a Northern Development Initiative Trust Intern through the Local Government Management Internship Program. This Intern would be available to the Quesnel and Community Economic Development Corporation and the City of Quesnel for a period of two to three months.

Council received the Quarterly Report of 2013 on the Strategic Objectives of Council and residents are encouraged to review the full report on our website and follow the Agenda/Minutes link in the right hand bar. The City’s key strategic goals include economic stability and diversification, infrastructure reinvestment, and sustainability in all planning and operations.

A Call for Nominations for the 2014-2015 North Central Local Government Association Executive was received by Council and Councillor Laurey-Anne Roodenburg, currently holding a position of Director-At-Large was nominated for the position of 2nd Vice-President. The Election of Officers will take place at their annual AGM and Convention on May 7 - 9.

Council approved moving forward with an application for a Liquor Primary Licence for the Billy Barker Casino for the casino and existing attached outdoor smoking patio at the rear of their business. A public consultation date has been set for February 24, 2014 at 6:30 p.m. in Council Chambers.

Important dates

February 10 - Family Day (free swim at the Recreation Centre and free skate at Twin Arenas)
February 17 - Capital Budget review
February 17 - Rotary Week in Quesnel
February 24 - Public Consultation on Liquor Primary Licence
May 7 - North Central Local Government Association AGM

NEXT Regular Council Meeting: Monday Feb. 24, 2014, 7 p.m.
NEXT Delegation/Committee of the Whole Meeting: Capital Budget Monday Feb. 17, 2014, 7 p.m.
NEXT North Cariboo Joint Planning Committee Meeting: Tuesday Feb. 11, 2014, 7 p.m.

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1 comment:

  1. Thapar's facebook page--WOW
    Holy crap Batman....get a load of thapar's facebook page. Accusations flying. Copies of letters from the city's lawyer to citizens stating cease and desist for flying the f-bomb at councilor scott eliot in his workplace.Claims that many more of these letters exist in quesnel.Cautions to wear a personal microphone in quesnel when you are talking to someone. Accusations against the lawyer for churning. Yikes!Our councilors have run amok and they have to go.What a bunch....there are no words left to describe these guys except "vote them out"
