Friday, February 14, 2014

Seniors' Kitchen gets $20,000

Courtesy of the City of Williams Lake:

A $20,000 provincial Age Friendly grant the City of Williams Lake applied for has been used to renovate the kitchen at the Seniors’ Activity Centre, as well as provide seniors with new skills and opportunities to socialize.

The grant application was prepared by City Manger of Active Living Deborah Radolla and Recreation Coordinator Denise Skarra. Previous Minister of State for Seniors Ralph Sultan announced the successful awarding of funds in January 2013.

The Seniors’ Activity Centre kitchen, formerly crowded and inefficient, has now been completely renovated. The funds from this grant enabled the Seniors Citizens Activity Centre to leverage additional funds, which allowed them to make more changes. The Lions and Lioness Clubs, and the Old Age Pensioners Organization collaboratively raised money and in-kind donations to contribute to the renovation. Centre members also donated to the project.

Seniors’ Activity Centre staff consulted with a professional chef to design the flow of the kitchen. Work included replacement of a small island and a large workstation with a flowing workstation to make it easier for seniors to prepare, cook, and clean up. An old electric cooktop was removed, a wall oven was replaced, a dishwasher was raised to ease loading and unloading, and a vegetable sink was installed. New flooring and fresh paint completed the renovation.

A portion of the grant was used to offer the Food Safe Level One course through Thompson Rivers University, and provide a Meals to Go program. Most of the Centre’s volunteers completed the Food Safe Level One course. Food is handled and stored in a safe manner, and the level of understanding has increased for proper food handling. The Meals to Go program offered last fall taught participants skills in planning and preparation, and how to cook one type of food and make a variety of meals. This program continues to be offered once every few months.

“We are always pleased to support local organizations and improve quality of life for our residents,’ says Williams Lake Mayor Kerry Cook. “I’m glad this grant application from the City was successful, and used to make such a difference to the Seniors Activity Centre and the people who use it.”

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