Tuesday, February 25, 2014

WL Council Highlights - Feb 25th mtg

Present - Mayor Cook and Councillors Bourdon, Hughes, Rathor, Walters and Zacharias

Absent - Councillor I. Bonnell (holidays)

Staff present:

G. Goodall - Acting CAO
C. Bouchard - Mgr of Legislative Services
K. MacInnis - Communications Coordinator
T. Chung - IT Mgr

Meeting called to order at 6pm
Agenda approved/Mins of Feb 11th meeting of WL City Council approved

Delegations - None


1) Council received for information the accounts payable computer cheque listings for the periods ending February 13 and 20, 2014

2) Council approved registration, travel and associated expenses for Mayor and Council to attend the 59th Annual North Central Local Government Association (NCLGA) AGM & Convention being held May 7 to 9, 2014 in Fort St. John, BC, as per Council policy.

3) Council received an application for DVP #2-2014 (Front Lot Line Setback Reductions & Storm Sewer/Drainage from Underground to Ditch - 340 Centennial Drive) and directed Staff to distribute notice of the application and that the application for DVP #2-2014 be considered at the March 25th meeting of Council

4) Council approved the use of City equipment for the purpose of hauling dirt into the arena for the 2014 Williams Lake Indoor Rodeo, and the use of a loader to remove the earth post-event, in conjunction with Municipal Services volunteer labour.

5) Council received an application for DVP #3-2014 (Increase in Principal Building Maximum Height - 1740 & 1820 Broadway Avenue South - New Hotel) and directed Staff to distribute notice of the application and that the application for DVP #3-2014 be considered at a future meeting of Council

6) Council received a revised application for DP #7-2013 (Construction of New 4-Storey 50 Unit Hotel - 1740 & 1820 Broadway Avenue South) and and directed Staff to distribute notice of the application and that the application for DP #7-2013 be considered at a future meeting of Council

7) Council encouraged the community at large to participate in the Nutrition Run on April 6th, 2014 starting at the Cariboo Memorial Recreation Complex

8) Council adopted Bylaws #2206/2207 (Williams Lake Regional Airport Fees Amendment Bylaw & Williams Lake Bylaw Notice Enforcement Amendment Bylaw)

9) Council adopted 3 Committee of the Whole recommendations as follows:

a) That pursuant to Committee of Whole Council Report #04-2014, the letter from the Rotary Club of Williams Lake dated January 31, 2014 be received, Council endorse the concept contained therein, and the Rotary Club be requested to work with Staff to develop a business plan to finalize the proposed lights, garden, signage and accessibility path in Boitanio Park

b) That pursuant to Committee of Whole Council Report #05-2014, the concepts of a replacement tree policy for Boitanio Park and establishment of a Park Committee to oversee improvements to Boitanio Park be referred to the Community Services Committee for review and a report back to Council

c) That pursuant to Committee of Whole Council Report #06-2014, the report of the Manager of Social Development dated February 11, 2014 be received and Staff be directed to finalize Junior Council's proposed resolution for submission to NCLGA as follows:

WHEREAS young adults in our communities are less likely to vote in municipal elections and engage in civic affairs;

AND WHEREAS the City of Williams Lake has offered a successful Junior Council program to the community over the past four years which has provided an opportunity for youth to learn about municipal affairs and participate in the civic affairs of the community:

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that NCLGA and UBCM establish a youth caucus that would provide an opportunity for youth to participate in sessions to engage youth in civic affairs and UBCM member municipalities be encouraged to establish youth councils in their communities.

10) Council gave approval to the WL Stampeders Hockey Club for Special Occasion Liquor Licences on March 11, 12, 13, 14 and 15, 2014 at the Cariboo Memorial Recreation Complex, pursuant to City Policy and subject to RCMP approval

11) Council proclaimed the week of March 11th to 15th as "Coy Cup Week" in the City of Williams Lake & Council encouraged the community to take part in the week long tournament and events being held at the Cariboo Memorial Recreation Complex during this week.

12) Council received for information the letter from UBCM Local Government Program Services dated February 3, 2014 regarding the final report and payment for the 2013 Age-Friendly Community Projects & Planning grant to the City of Williams Lake

13) Council received a letter from the Office of the Lieutenant-Governor regarding "Sing Me a Song" program and agreed to forward it to the Central Cariboo Arts & Culture Society and School District No. 27 for distribution to the various music and cultural groups within the community and the schools within the District; and the community was encouraged to participate and submit their entries.

14) Council received for information the news release from the Cariboo Chilcotin Beetle Action Coalition (CCBAC) dated February 14, 2014 regarding the six priorities identified by the CCBAC Board for 2014/2015

15) Council proclaimed April 2014 as "Daffodil Month" in the City of Williams Lake

16) Council received "In-Camera Report #1-2014" as follows:

“That pursuant to Committee of Whole Council IC Report #1-2014, Council deny the request from Pacific Coastal Airlines in their letter dated December 5, 2013 to waive the Passenger Facility Fees, on all non revenue flights which includes all Pacific Coastal Airlines business travel, employees and family.”

17) Late Item #1 - Council proclaimed the week of March 9 to 15, 2014 as "Cowboy Heritage Week" in the City of Williams Lake

18) Late Item #2 - Council approved the 2014 composter subsidy program and allocated funds from the landfill account for the program.

19) Council received the "Council Information Package" as follows:

• January 16, 2014 - Ministry of Justice Announces Appointment of Patrick Quealey as Assistant Deputy Minister, Emergency Management BC;
• February 11, 2014 - Minister James Moore's Regional Office Update;
• February 11, 2014 - Coalition of Child Care Advocates of BC re Thank You for Support of $10/Day Child Care Plan in BC;
• February 14, 2014 - Communities in Bloom re 2014 Provincial Registration;
• February 14, 2014 - CRD Board Highlights;
• February 14, 2014 - CCBAC News Release re Quesnel Receives CCBAC Community Transition Funds;
• February 2014 - CRD Community Engagement Sessions for North Cariboo, South Cariboo and Central Cariboo & Chilcotin.

20) Council received a report of Mayor Cook's monthly activities for the period ending Feb 18th, 2014

Council then adjourned at 7:07pm to a Closed Meeting of Council, pursuant to Section 90(1b) of the Community Charter

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