Thursday, March 27, 2014

Big Lake Community Forest Mtg Sunday

From CRD Area F Director Joan Sorley's "Director" Facebook page:

Editor's Note - I will be in attendance at this meeting and all residents' within the areas of Big Lake, Horsefly or Miocene need to and must be at this meeting… Help out your Community Forest Working Group!

If you live in Big Lake, Miocene, or Horsefly, this meeting is important to attend:
Community Forest Community Meeting
Sunday March 30th, 2014, 3 PM at the Big Lake Community Hall

As you know the Williams Lake Community Forest is now approved. An addendum has been inserted into the application, which restricts membership on the advisory committee to those with direct interest in the land base, but the allocation of 5% of net profits to the grant program remains unchanged. Given this approval, and the revised application, the community needs to determine how to proceed with the new licensee. Initial meetings have taken place to see if there is an opportunity to build a consultative relationship, and to determine how our communities might be involved in the management and distribution of benefits. The licensee is planning to host an initial information meeting followed by a series of meetings to collaboratively determine how and who will provide input into management decisions through a committee structure.

The Ministry of Forests decision makers and our MLA have been invited to our meeting to discuss the process which lead to the approval of the CFA.

Your input is needed to discuss if the community is accepting of the Community Forest as currently approved, to work with the licensee to derive the most benefit for our communities, or to explore and take other actions to be determined at the meeting.

Please plan to attend the meeting this Sunday. The working group needs direction from the community members.

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