Friday, March 7, 2014

Cariboo RD Board Highlights - March 7th mtg

Editor's Note - had the honour to sit in for Area D Director Deb Bischoff in the afternoon portion of the meeting today as she left the meeting early

Courtesy of the Cariboo Regional District:

Environment Canada
      Darcy Peel from Environment Canada appeared before the Board to provide information on the proposed recovery strategy for the Woodland Caribou, Southern Mountain population in Canada. The goal identified in the recovery strategy is to achieve self-sustaining local populations in all boreal caribou ranges throughout Canada. The presentation focused on the Species at Risk Act, the 60 day public comment period about the proposed recovery strategy, and the Critical Habitat of the Caribou. Peel also mentioned some of the natural elements, such as avalanches, which are having a devastating impact on the Woodland Caribou. Further information about the recovery strategy for the Woodland Caribou is available online at

Beyond the Market
      Jillian Merrick, Program Coordinator, Community Futures, Fraser Fort George, provided the CRD Board with an overview of community outreach results and details of the proposed Beyond the Market: Growing the North project. Merrick presented findings from the recent Cariboo Outreach program which had events in the North, Central and South Cariboo. The Beyond the Market project is an economic development strategy to support the local food and agriculture sector in Northern BC. The project began in 2010 and has consisted of three different initiatives; new farm development, regional beef value chain, and beyond the market: Growing the North. Further information about the project is available online at

Community Works Funds Approved
      The Cariboo Regional District Board of Directors authorized up to $20,000 of Community Works Funding for the Tatla Lake and Area Community Association. The Association will be using the funding to perform a lighting upgrade and install insulation in the ceiling at the Tatla Lake Community Hall.

New Addition to CRD Heritage Registry
      The Roddis House located in the North Cariboo is the most recent addition to the CRD Heritage Register. The house was built in 1933 and is valued as an example of a style of dwelling which was common in Quesnel from the 1860s to the 1930s. Roddis House was originally located on the east side of Quesnel and was moved to its current location on Dragon Lake Road in 2006. Further information about the CRD’s Heritage Program and Registry is available online
Medicinal Marihuana in Heavy Industrial Zones
The Cariboo Regional District gave first and second reading to a Bylaw that would allow Medical Marihuana Operations exclusively in Heavy Industrial zones throughout the region. The proposed Bylaw will now proceed to public hearing before consideration of final adoption.

Support for Gold Rush Trail
      The CRD will be providing a letter of support to the Cariboo Chilcotin Coast Tourism Association for their funding applications to Northern Development Initiative Trust and Western Economic Diversification for the Gold Rush Trail Corridor Management Project. The Gold Rush Trail Corridor Management Project is a collaborative development and marketing plan for the gold rush route between New Westminster and Barkerville.

CRD Requests Invasive Plant Funding
      The Cariboo Regional District will be submitting a funding request to the Ministry of Forests, Lands, and Natural Resource Operations, Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure and the Ministry of Environment to treat invasive plants on Crown Lands and road rights of way. The cost associated with treating these infestations is estimated at $451,505. Ministry staff had requested the CRD determine the amount of funding required for 2014 and advise region MLA’s of these anticipated costs. The CRD maintains an inventory of the various invasive plant infestations on Crown Lands. At this time, 2,323 sites of priority #1 and #2 species have been identified.

Subsidized Composter Program
      The Cariboo Regional District will once again be offering a subsidized composter program this year. Sales will be advanced rather than first come first serve as feedback from last year’s program indicated that there was not enough supply to meet the demand. Last year all 250 composters were sold within several hours. This year’s program will include Green Cone food waste digesters, in addition to the Earth Machine composter that was sold last year. Green Cones accept all cooked and uncooked food waste including meat, fish, bones, dairy products, vegetables and fruit.

Invasive Plant Management Report
      The CRD Board of Directors received the annual review of the Invasive Plant Management program. Treatment crews completed an inventory on 2,765 sites over the 2013 operational season that began in May. The CRD follows the concepts of an integrated pest management program; employing a whole suite of tools to control invasive plant species dependent on the species and/or site conditions. Treatment activities included mechanical, chemical, and biological. The presentation also included an overview of the 2014 plan which includes continuation of the five-year 50/50 cost share pilot program within the Landowner Assistance program which was introduced last year. Further information about the Invasive Plant Management program is available online at or by calling the CRD’s at 250-392-3351 or 1-800-665-1636.

Next Meeting
CRD Board Meeting – March 28, 2014

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