Wednesday, March 26, 2014

CC Joint Committee Mtg - March 26th

Present from City of WL: Co-Chair (Mayor) K. Cook and Councillors I. Bonnell, G. Bourdon, D. Hughes, SPS Rathor and S. Zacharias

Present from Cariboo RD: Co-Chair J. Sorley and Directors Kemp and Bischoff (via phone)

Staff: A. Johnston (Corporate Officer - CRD) and G. Paynton (Director of Community Services - City of WL)

Meeting called to order at 6:00pm

Meeting Agenda approved & Minutes of the Feb CCJC Meeting adopted


Dr. Graham Kelsey appeared before the Committee on behalf of the Central Cariboo Arts/Culture Society (CCACS) to discuss their 2014 Grant Program recommendations

A Question/Answer period ensued


1) The Committee received the report of the CCACS Coordinator (L. Selk) and agreed to recommend approval to the Cariboo RD Board of the CCACS Recommendations for the 2014 Grants to be paid out 

2) The Committee received a letter of appreciation from Christian Bates, Grant Writer, BC Fund Development, Canadian Red Cross, dated March 11, 2014, for the support of the Red Cross Volunteer Team at the Williams Lake HELP Depot, from the Committee by providing a 2014 Grant-in-Aid

3) The Committee received a verbal update from Cariboo RD Area 'F' Director Joan Sorley regarding the on-going work of the Pool Communications Strategy.  This item will be appearing on monthly CC Joint Committee Agendas going forward

Councillor S. Zacharias left the meeting at 6:27pm

4) The Committee agreed to receive the Action Page as of March 26th

The Committee adjourned at 6:40pm

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