Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Community Amenity Contributions Program

Last night, during estimates debate for the Ministry of Community, Sport and Cultural Development, Coralee Oakes (Minister of Community, Sport and Cultural Development) made mention of a new Ministry program called "Community Amenity Contributions" (CAC's) which can assist local government finance infrastructure/amenities to accommodate growth in our local communities

Read the full message to Mayors', Councillors', Regional District Chairs/Directors here

The Ministry itself says this on the subject of CAC's:

Provincial legislation enables local governments to collect development cost charges (DCCs) from developers to pay a portion of off-site infrastructure required to service new growth, e.g. for expansion of a water reservoir or sewage treatment plant.

However, growth and development often leads to a demand for additional community amenities, e.g. libraries and recreation centres, not provided for under these legislative provisions. To secure these additional community amenities, local governments are increasingly relying on one of two different mechanisms as part of a rezoning process:

Community amenity contributions (CACs) – are negotiated amenity contributions agreed to by the applicant/developer and local government as part of a rezoning process initiated by the applicant/developer. CACs can take several forms including the provision of amenities, affordable housing and/or financial contributions towards amenities. The agreed-to CAC is obtained by the local government, if the local government decides to adopt the rezoning.

Read the full CAC guide here while a shortened version of the same guide can be viewed here.

I'm still reading the CAC guide to understand the relationship between CAC/DCC's and how it relates to the management of local growth and affordable housing but I suspect a lot of local governments' will be asking their staffs' to clarify this guide for them and how it relates to local growth/affordable housing and to local OCP's (Official Community Plans) and zoning bylaws..


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