Friday, March 28, 2014

CRD Board Highlights - March 28th

Present - Chair Richmond and Directors Armstrong, Massier, Bischoff, Kemp, Sorley, Wagner, Glassford, William, Rattray, Sharpe, Bonnell, Sjostrom (entered mtg during lunch break) and Campsall

Absent - Directors H. Dixon-Warren, C. Mernett

Staff - J. Bell, CAO; A. Johnston, Corporate Officer; S. Reid, CFO;  K. Moores, Mgr of Development Services and S. Burich, Mgr of Communications

Meeting called to order at 9:45am
Agenda approved/CRD Board of March 7th approved


1) Planning Bylaw #4890 (Area G) was given 1st and 2nd Readings
2) Planning Bylaw #4887 (Area F) was given 3rd Reading
3) Planning Bylaws #4838/4839 (Area L) were adopted

4) The Board gave approval for DVP #2-2014 (Wilcox - Area H)
5) The Board gave approval for Temporary Permit #80-2013 (Todorowich - Area D)

6) The Board received the Proposed Water/Sewer Projects Report
7) The Board agreed to allocate $35,000 in Community Works Funds to complete assessments on the Russet Bluff Water System for surface waters influences

8) The Board extended the contract of Huska Holdings Ltd to Dec 31st, 2014 for Wood Waste Grinding
9) The Board agreed to send a letter to the Ministry of Environment asking the current criteria for landfills - Municipal Solid Waste remain status quo

10) The Board will be re-sending a revised letter of petition for the same dollar amounts as the previous Gateway Water System ensuring that the total amount borrowed and the term of borrowing is indicated and that Community Works Funds of up to $50,000 be made available to finance the project should interest rates increase thereby jeopardizing the project.

11) The Board waived its' Policy # 99-7-17 and that the Central Cariboo Transfer Stations Maintenance, Collection, Hauling and Disposal Contract include a five year term.

12) The Board received an agenda item summary from Mitch Minchau, Manager of Environmental Services, dated March 26, 2014, regarding the Water Sustainability Act water pricing principals

13) The Board supported use of $18,000 of Community Works Funds for upgrades to the Lone Butte Community Hall

14) The Board received/ratified the Feb 2014 Cheque Register of $1,697,034.81

15) The Board received from the CAO an overview of the Final 2014 Financial Plan which will see an increase of 1.9% from the 2013 Budget

16) The Board agreed to adopt an allocation of Community Works Funds for local projects in 2014

17) The Board received a request for funds from the "Beyond the Market" program

18) The Board agreed to support $10/day Daycare, in principle, on condition that it is funded via Ottawa/Victoria

19) The Board received an agenda item summary from Alice Johnston, Corporate Officer, dated March 12, 2014, regarding a request to have representatives from School District No. 27 appear before the Board to provide information on proposed changes to their policy on the use of school district facilities. CRD Directors will be meeting with School District #27 (Cariboo-Chilcotin) on Wednesday, April 2nd

20) The Board appointed Karen Moores as a building inspector for the Cariboo Regional District

21) The Board received an agenda item summary from Alice Johnston, Corporate Officer, dated
March 20, 2014, and attachments regarding the Mines Act Permit Fees Discussion Paper, and directed that a letter be forwarded opposing the increase in permit fees

Meeting recessed at 11:30am
Meeting reconvened at 11:40am


Harry Jennings, from the Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations appeared before the Board to discuss the proposed Elk Management Strategy in the region

A Question and Answer period ensued

Chair Richmond, on behalf of the Board, thanked Mr. Jennings for his time/information

Meeting recessed for lunch with the meeting resuming at 1pm

22) The Board received the March 28th Consent Calendar
23) The Board received two correspondence items received from, or relating to the Union of British
Columbia Municipalities (UBCM) and North Central Local Government Association (NCLGA) as follows:

a) District of West Vancouver - Canada Post Proposal to Eliminate Home Mail Delivery Service
b) NCLGA Connector Newsletter - No. 126 - March 2014

24) The Board received the Level 1 Corporate Priorities Report

25) The Board received the Feb 26th minutes of the Central Cariboo/City of WL Joint Committee meeting
26) The Board approved an allocation of $500 from the Area F Special Projects Fund to assist with costs for renting Rink 2 at the CMRC for the City of WL's 85th Birthday by the following vote:

Affirmative - Chair Richmond and Directors Armstrong, Massier, Sorley, Wagner, Glassford, William, Rattray, Sharpe, Sjostrom, Bonnell and Campsall

Negative - Directors Bischoff and Kemp

27) The Board received the Feb 11th minutes of the North Cariboo Joint Planning Committee and endorsed two recommendations pertaining to:

a) North Cariboo Recreation and Parks Outstanding Debt
b) Future Recreation Infrastructure Planning - Arena 1

28) The Board received the March 10th minutes of the South Cariboo Rural Caucus and endorsed the following recommendations:

a) That one public hearing be held in a central location to deal with the laying hens and hobby beekeeping amendment bylaw as well as the housekeeping text amendment bylaws

b) That an update regarding the issues and options for office space be brought forward to the next rural caucus meeting

29) The Board received the minutes of the March 10th South Cariboo Joint Committee meeting and endorsed the following recommendations:

a) That up to $10,000 be allocated in the 2014 South Cariboo Recreation budget to support the efforts of a pool project committee and to undertake a community survey.

b) That confirmation from Darron Campbell, Manager of Community Services, of the property purchase by the Cariboo Regional District, from Bridge Creek Estate, for land adjacent to the South Cariboo Recreation Centre, be received. Further, that a media release be issued advising of this important step towards enabling the preferred site plan for the recreation centre property.

30) The Board gave three readings to the following Bylaws:

a) Cariboo Regional District Interlakes Area Fire Protection Requisition Amendment Bylaw No. 4904, 2014
b) Gateway Water System Service Establishment Bylaw No. 4891, 2014

31) The Board adopted the following Bylaws:

a) Cariboo Regional District Bylaw Offence Notice Enforcement Bylaw No. 4886, 2014
b) Cariboo Regional District 2014 Five Year Financial Plan Bylaw No. 4895, 2014
c) CRD Forest Grove Water Service Boundary Expansion Bylaw No. 4903, 2014

32) After some considerable discussion - the Board rejected a request by Area D Director Deb Bischoff to rescind Board Resolution #14-03A-22 and to allow access to $2,000 of Area D Director Initiative Funds to attend the Housing Alternatives for an Aging Population Conference at Simon Fraser University in Vancouver

Editor's Note - the above decision means Director Bischoff may still attend the above noted conference in Vancouver as per Board Resolution #14-03A-22 however she will have up to $1,600 in expenses approved from the Area D Director Initiative Fund and as per the Director Remuneration Bylaw

33) The Board approved a request of Area F Director Joan Sorley for access to $160 from the Area F Director Initiative Fund and policy for the Director Intiative Fund being waived for the purchase of a cake for the Miocene Community Club’s volunteer appreciation event on April 12,2014

The Board then went into a Closed Meeting as per Sections 90(1) (a - appointments & c - labour/employee relations) of the Community Charter

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