Friday, March 21, 2014

McLeese Lake VFD Mtg - March 20th

Last night at the meeting of the McLeese Lake VFD Society  - a crowd of roughly 30 came out to hear a presentation from the Cariboo RD's Manager of Protective Services regarding a feasibility study for a taxpayer support Volunteer Fire Department (VFD) for McLeese Lake.  I'd like to thank Rowena Bastien for presenting the information to the community.  Both CRD Area 'D' Director Deb Bischoff and I, as the Area 'D' Alternate Director, were there to observe/hear the community's input for the future direction of the McLeese Lake VFD

During the presentation - Ms. Bastien talked about the 14 VFD's the Cariboo Regional District presently manages, the fact that VFD's can only do those things that a VFD is authorized by by-law to do and are properly equipped and trained to do & also adhere to the Regional District's Standard Operating Guidelines/CRD Policies and Procedures

For a taxpayer supported McLeese Lake VFD for start-up in 2016, the per property cost would work out to $225.07 per $100,000 of assessed property (based on 2013 Assessment) with an initial requisition in the first year of $224,514

A Question and Answer period ensued where Ms. Bastien answered clarification questions and Ian Hicks - President of the McLeese Lake VFD Society gave an verbal update as to where the Society is sitting (training, equipment and finances) and where the Society intends to go

Both Director Bischoff and I were impressed with the turnout and look forward to seeing what direction the community of McLeese Lake desires to go for the future of the McLeese Lake VFD


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