Wednesday, March 5, 2014

MMBC/Muni Recycling Program in Doubt?

In yesterday's Kamloops This Week - Kamloops Mayor Peter Milobar informed his Council yesterday that he had heard from Kamloops-North Thompson MLA Terry Lake that MMBC (Multi-Materials BC) has decided to "not proceed with an agreement with the city (of Kamloops) that would significantly reduce recycling fees for homeowners as of next year" however this has not been confirmed directly by MMBC.  Kamloops Council has agreed to send a letter to MMBC/Ministry of Environment asking for clarification around this and why Kamloops businesses should participate in a program where benefits do not return locally

Read more here

If I was any of the roughly 200 other local governments in BC and had a similar situation like the City of Kamloops & MMBC - I would be reconfirming any arrangements arrived at with MMBC to ensure that they are going forward in 2014 or 2015…


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