Saturday, March 29, 2014

NC Arena One Project Update

Following the decision of North Cariboo voters' to reject renewing the Multicentre Loan Authorization Bylaw in November of 2013 - there have been two public meetings to consider how to renew Rink 1 of the Twin Ice Arenas in Quesnel.

Following the March 5th public meeting, Cariboo RD Area 'B' Heloise Dixon-Warren posted the following on March 6th via Quesnel Councillor Sushil Thapar:

Last night the public meeting for new arena was good . People have the chance to speak their mind and input is good.
One thing I gathered from that politicians are once again are driving the bus without getting the public on that bus. Should public not have the say what they want to buy instead of politicians telling them that is what they will get.
We all know we need new arena may be not a Cadillac . People can only afford chev cruise or civic that is what has to be looked after.

Then for the March 25th public meeting - has posted the following:

An over capacity crowd attended the Legion to learn more about Joint Planning's proposal for a new arena They provided several drawings and pictures of other arenas with their building costs. These will be on display at the Arena.

I felt everyone in the room was in favour of a new arena but the only stumbling block is can they trust those in Joint Planning when these are the same people that spent far too much money pushing for the Multi-centre and I felt were not honest about the costs.

One thing said last night that really stood out for me was when it was asked about the cost of the Port Alberni arena we were informed that was 2005, and prices have changed. Well, that question was asked about the 30 million for the Multi-Centre and we were told the cost would NOT increase, even five years after the original cost estimate.

Another concern is the "dry" space. There are no real drawings pertaining to this area of the arena. There does not need to be space for conferences and I have no objection to some smaller meeting rooms but I don't want to see a City/CRD project compete with private business.

According to those conducting the meeting the Arena would not start construction until the Spring so a referendum with the election in November makes financial sense.
The North Cariboo Joint Planning Committee made of up all members' of Quesnel City Council and the Cariboo RD Directors for Areas A, B, C and I met on Wednesday, March 26th and Quesnel Councillor Scott Elliot posted the following on Facebook following that meeting:

Here's the latest. Joint Planning Committee (all elected officials. City and CRD) met this evening. The biggest issue was the arena replacement. All members (except one) agreed to the vision of the Arena Replacement. 1600 seats and a referendum sooner than later. We still have legal proceedure that must be followed (timing etc).

Thanks to all that took the time to come to the meeting last night, and the other evenings. Thanks to all that wrote comments. It's still early but approx. 95% were in favour! Also all those that have voiced their opinion to myself and others. We have listened to all and are working to bring it to a referendum asap!

Meanwhile - Cariboo RD Area B Director Heloise Dixon-Warren posted the following on her Director Facebook page concerning the March 26th meeting of the North Cariboo Joint Planning Committee:

I was unable to attend the March 25th Public Open House for the North Cariboo Arena Project held at the Quesnel Legion nor the North Cariboo Joint Planning Committee meeting on Wed., March 26th as I am currently away from the North Cariboo. I hear the Open House was well attended which is great to hear. My Alternate Director, Bruce Johnston, attended the NCJPC Meeting at Quesnel City Hall and once I have a full update on what were the decisions from that meeting, I will post them on my BLOG and perhaps on Facebook.
Any recommendations coming forward from the March 26th North Cariboo Joint Planning Committee will be dealt with at the April 17th meeting of the Cariboo Regional District Board of Directors'

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