Thursday, March 27, 2014

Quesnel Council Highlights - Mar 24th mtg

Courtesy of the City of Quesnel:

Subsidized composter program
The Cariboo Regional District and the City of Quesnel are once again offering the subsidized composter program. This year, sales will be made in advance only and all orders must be submitted to the Cariboo Regional District by March 31. Green Cone Food Waste Digesters, counter top containers and composters are available. Additional information and order forms are online at and

Expansion at the airport
Council approved entering into a twenty year lease with All-West Crane and Rigging Ltd. for a parcel of land measuring approximately 3,400 meters square, at the Quesnel Regional Airport. This land will be used to construct and operate a multi-purpose hangar facility at the airport.

Council allocates 2013 surplus
Council received a report that indicated a general surplus of 2013 unallocated funds in the amount of $528,942. Council approved transferring $260,009 to the General Capital Reserve for the West Quesnel Land Stability project, $200,000 to the Public Works Relocation Reserve, $65,000 to reduce 2014 taxes by .5 %, and the remainder of $3,933 to the Capital Reinvestment Reserve.

Transportation Manager retires
Council said goodbye to Transportation Manager Harlene Hunt and presented her with a small token of appreciation. The City’s Transportation Manager announced her retirement on March 28, 2014 after more than 30 years of service at the airport. Harlene came to the City of Quesnel in 1997 from Transport Canada. She has always been a dedicated team player providing great leadership in her position. As Transportation Manager, Harlene was responsible for the Quesnel Regional Airport and City Transit operations.
Harlene has been an integral part of the City’s Occupational Health and Safety Program and the EFAP (Employee Family Assistance Program) Committee.
One of Harlene’s most notable achievements has been the success of Skyfest. Over the years she has worked diligently to ensure that this event was safe, well-organized and a positive event for Quesnel.
Harlene will be greatly missed by Council and her co-workers.

Other news
-          Quesnel Lions Club through the Quesnel Lions Housing Society are developing an affordable housing project for Seniors and have asked City Council for assistance. Their presentation can be viewed online
-          2013 Capital Projects list - A final summary of the 2013 Capital Projects showed that the City spent $4.2 M in capital projects in 2013 out of a budget of $6.8 M.
-          Seeking support for the Quesnel Victim Services program, Council approved writing a letter to the Cariboo Regional District requesting a contribution of $20,000 to the City of Quesnel Victim Services program beginning in 2015. A copy of the letter will be forwarded to the Northern Directors.
-          Council gave third reading to Zoning Amendment Bylaw 1732 - Heavy Equipment Repair (Campbell Crescent) and Zoning Amendment Bylaw 1733 - Prohibition of Marihuana Production.

Important dates
Apr 5 -                   Quesnel Community Foundation’s Annual Awards Gala (Senior’s Centre)
Apr 16 -                 Public Hearing on OCP and Master Zoning Bylaw Amendments re Secondary Suites
May 7 -                 North Central Local Government Association AGM (Fort St. John)
May 10 -                Multiple Sclerosis walk (Ceal Tingley Park, 1:00 p.m.)
May 8 -                  World Ovarian Cancer Day

NEXT Regular Council Meeting:Monday Apr. 7, 7 p.m.
NEXT Delegation/Committee of the Whole Meeting:  Monday Mar. 31, 7 p.m. 

NEXT North Cariboo Joint Planning Committee Meeting:
Wednesday Mar. 26, 5:30 p.m.

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